#37 Comic of the Day


I can’t really even believe this news.  It’s just disgusting.  I’m sure The Count will be out soon for being a VAMPIRE.  And Big Bird will be out soon for being too tall and too yellow, and Grover will be out for kind of being an idiot (though one of my favorites), Bert and Ernie will surely be elimintated for being obviously gay, and if not obviously gay then possibly gay…which is of course just as horrible.  I think we should all try (except comedians perhaps…we need something to be okay to be funny right?) to be as understanding and sympathetic and non-judgmental as possible in life…but Politically Correct has become a machine that just cannot be stopped.  If there is ONE SINGLE FREAKING CHILD that has an eating disorder or I guess…”greediness” that can be traced to The Cookie Monster, and only the Cookie Monster, then I take all this back.  But there is just NO WAY that is possible…it’s a freaking Muppet!  Kids get their influences from all over the place and it’s more likely they are learning bad habits (oh my god the end of the world) from home and parents than from a muppet that doesn’t even exist. 

Read more about all this nonesense here.  And Gillian Anderson…I like you, but how dare you contribute to the removal of the Cookie Monster (in any way) by accepting the job hosting the new “improved” revamped Monsterpiece Theater sans the star.


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    We have been known to call our 3 year old daughter a cookie monster on occasion. And she has mentioned that I should stop eating cookies so we can save some for Santa. But she doesn’t watch Sesame Street. So the only negative influence is her parents.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    as a parent do you think it’s an issue?

    i just have such trouble imagining that this is how far our society has come…it seems so insane!

  3. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I think it’s an issue that the PC crap has taken over. What’s next a Winter Holiday? We still have Christmas trees, aren’t those pagan? People just go overboard when trying to offend someone. That’s the issue. People are morons. Sometimes it’s the parents.

    But not always.

  4. Paul’s avatar

    This is really stretching. The Cookie Monster is a staple of the show. Is Aloysius Snuffleupagus next to go because he dodders around like a dying, old animal? A shame really. I grew up watching a lot of this show.

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: i’m glad you agree and you have kids – it’s one thing for me to think it’s nuts…but i’m not married, no kids and possibly won’t ever have them so i’m willing to admit that my perspective may be a bit skewed. but it’s good to hear a parent agree that the world is off it’s freaking rocker.

    Paul: it’s insane right? i just can’t even really get my mind around it.

  6. Keegan Xavi’s avatar

    i don’t know what you all are talking about. cookie monster was absolutely the worst influence of my childhood…. he taught me how to eat… and no one ever wanted to sit next to me at lunch and it was years before I knew why. apparently if you’re not blue & furry eating your food like a human woodchipper is in bad form….. sesame street ruined me….

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