#60 Comic of the Day


Yeah, let’s not talk too much about this, kay?

Do you guys remember your dreams?  Do you dream in color?  Funny story, one time years and years ago I was talking to some friends about dreams and I was asked if I dreamed in color, because apparently a surprising number of people don’t.  Anyway, I realized I didn’t know the answer.  So that night when I dreamed, I dreamed I was in a giant brightly colored hot air balloon, flying in the sky with dozens of other brightly colored balloons, and there were fireworks going off all around us, but instead of plain fireworks, they were like giant exploding cans of paint, in firework patterns.  Is that my dreams telling me to f’ing start paying attention or what? 


  1. Trina’s avatar

    I have extremely vivid dreams involving all of my sensory receptors including taste and touch.

    I dreamt once that someone (like some sort of bad guy) came up behind me and was grabbing me by my shoulder and I couldn’t get away, then I woke up to find myself squeezing my shoulder. Weird, huh?

    I remember having a dream when I was a kid of being really, really thirsty and drinking can after can of Nehi Grape soda and it tasted so good and grape-y! I woke up from that dream totally parched because I had a cold and had been breathing through my mouth.

  2. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Dreams. I have some scary ones, some that I’ve had repeatedly since childhood, and some that, like you, I’d just as soon not mention. Let’s just say I’m glad we don’t live in a world with pre-cogs like in Minority Report.

    Some odd dreams I’ve had include being scared to death of a giant spider that was walking all over me but laughing because the little hairs were tickling me.

    Another was of me defending myself in the fifth-wheel I lived in at the time by throwing crushed aluminum cans at the bad guys. I think I won.

    So yeah, I remember some dreams. Typically as soon as I wake up I remember everything in vivid detail. But between there and the end of my shower, I don’t remember much of anything.

    In color? I have no idea. Other senses? I have no idea.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    I dream, but not in color. Yet when I draw my dreams, I like to color them. I remember most of them, mostly because they are vivid. Or mostly because I don’t have very many so the few I do stand the eff out.

    But yeah, you probably need to pay more attention. Else, the fireworks will getcha!

  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    Dreams last for so long. Eeeeeeeven after you’re gone.

  5. kfugrip’s avatar

    I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do they are f’d up and involve me punching someone and it having no effect OR being chased. Sounds fun right. No wonder I don’t remember them.

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Trina: Sounds like you and I have a lot of dream similarities…maybe it’s a woman thing…everyone knows we’re more in touch with ourselves…and everything else than men 😉

    TK42ONE: Maybe you’ll have my hot air balloon/firework like exploding paint cans dream tonight when your brain decides to let you know if you dream in color or not.

    Paul: You’re the first person I’ve met that dreams in B&W! How exciting! They say it isn’t that rare, but I’ve never met anyone who does…is it awesome? Everything looks prettier in B&W anyway, so I think it’d be all awesome and Casablanca-y.

    Adam: Ah, music references, joy! I fear that you’re only remembering your bad ones, and all the good ones are getting lost in the middle of the night…like whatever you were dreaming about Monday night while saying “that is soooo cool man”. :)

  7. Holly’s avatar

    I had a dream just the other night that the Village People were sent by a druglord to break into my apartment and kill me.

    The Village People!

  8. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Hol: I knew we were friends for a reason. That is totally a dream I could see myself having. Ah, kindred spirits. How nice for us.

  9. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Again I say “huh?”

  10. theyetiinside’s avatar

    I can’t believe that Adam got away with quoting Jewel lyrics on this blog without getting called out.

    I hereby call you out sir!

    You may now call me out for knowing they were Jewel lyrics.

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