#79 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


So I guess she meant did we want someone to carry it out for us, or have it delivered to our house or something, but man did her delivery leave a lot to be desired. 

It reminds me of a time that my good friend Kyle and I went to see a movie in LA years ago, I think it was Brotherhood Of The Wolf, which is a subtitled film.  We were buying our tickets at separate windows right next to each other and my teller said something to the effect of, “Miss, are you aware that this film is foreign, which means that it is subtitled, and it will be necessary to read the words on the screen in order to understand the film?”  I said yes, I was aware, and just as I finished saying this I heard Kyle’s teller say to him, “Ya gotta read it.”  To which Kyle looked at her like she was insane and said, “uh. okay”. 

It was pretty hilarious in retrospect, but pretty sad in reality.  It’s obvious that since having that film (or any foreign film?) at that theater the staff had a lot of complaints from people who didn’t understand subtitling, and were insulted to have to read while they watched their precious movie (having worked in a video store for years during college I am sadly too familiar with this phenomenon) but the difference in delivery was also pretty sad.  I think my teller, the one with the accurate, polite, and well worded explanation was perhaps the last of her kind…she was probably shot down shortly thereafter so she could be replaced by an idiot that would only say, “Ya gotta read it.” 


  1. Seraphine’s avatar

    I don’t know why store people can be annoying.
    Can I help you find anything? Just call me if I
    can help. Paper of plastic. Would you like that
    for here or to go? Can I supersize that for you?
    Would you like flies with that. etc. etc.

    Basically, I wish they would leave me alone
    unless I ask first. Or at least, be available
    when I need help. Oddly, There’s never a clerk
    around when you actually need one!

  2. Paul’s avatar

    Ha, I love vague questions! My answer would’ve involved a unicorn, but yours is just as snarky. Good job, indeed!

  3. theyetiinside’s avatar

    How do I want to carry it out?


  4. kfugrip’s avatar

    You should do a comic about that time with Kyle. There could be an entire series of comics about your funny adventures with Kyle. I want a treatment on my desk in the morning.

  5. arun’s avatar

    at least people ask/say something!! I accept, being unctuous can be unnecessary pain in the ass.

    but, in my country, these ppl behaving sane is rare. they treat you as if you rely on them!! knuckleheads, shud take a course on “how to deal with customers?”

  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Seraphine: Customer Service is basically a dead art…I’d say dying, but I think it is officially dead. It is true though that the ONE TIME you need someone they freaking vanish. What is up with that?!

    Paul: Yeah, I’m gonna have to start paying attention and do a whole series maybe. A unicorn answer would have been even better.

    Scott: I do everything superciliously…just by nature (not really cause I had to look this word up to make sure that I had the right definition…I did, but as a writer it’s real sad I had to look it up).

    Adam: If my life doesn’t get more interesting (no fault of yours – we all know you’re the star of the strip) I am going to have to go back to the adventures of kyle and kelly in los angeles… :)

    Arun: Customer Service is dead the world over it seems. You’ve confirmed it. :(

  7. theyetiinside’s avatar

    Don’t feel bad Kel, I had to look it up a few days ago for an unrelated reason. I’ll probably forget what it means a few days from now.

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