#80 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


Okay, nobody panic, he’s not actually going to kill anyone, or anyone’s kids.  He just really really hates these people.  Adam kind of hates rich people period (which is too bad, because someday I hope to be one…y’know, a rich person) but he REALLY hates these “Housewives” of Orange County women and their children.  He’s right.  It is a terrible terrible show.  Which I promise not to watch anymore, which is easy to say now, since the season is over. 

As a hilarious sidenote, I randomly stumbled upon (ironically not through the stumble upon site) on this awesome website Pretty On The Outside.  The writer/artist there has a great bit on this horrible show, complete with crazily accurate (and pretty awesome) drawings of the women on the show.  If you’ve ever seen the show, and hate it like I do, but feel compelled to watch it when you see it on you should check out his summaries and drawings.  Great stuff.

Updates:  Computer.  Who-Hoo!  I’m up and running.  Had to buy a new Mac Mini ($599) with the Extended Three Year Warranty ($149).  It’s too bad, as who just has $800 bucks lying around, but there are few things more important to me these days than my computer, so there really wasn’t a choice.  The positive side is that it is faster (yay intel!) and has double the hard drive space of my old machine and now I know I’m good for 3 years, AND  most importantly of all – my external hard drive has proved to be fine and all my data is intact.  First on the agenda this long weekend…burning back up CDs…!

Writer’s Strike.  It’s over!  Yay!  Bring on the work…and if new TV shows come back that’s okay too.


  1. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Why are we intrinsically drawn to crappy television? I myself have been sucked into shows like Flav-o-Flav’s crappy I’m in love show and the Anna Nicole Smith show. I mean these are horrid shows that I would be ashamed to even be associated with if I were writing or producing or filming them. I know a job is a job and we can’t be picky, but wow. I’d be more depressed filming Anna all tipsy than flipping burgers.

    It’s like a car chase on TV. You just can’t turn away even though you know how it will turn out. We’re just drawn to them. It’s shows like that that make me glad I’m undiscovered and completely average. If the rich and famous are like that, I’d rather be poor and average.

    And while I agree with Adam’s sentiment but not his method. A good beating would be better. Then they can heal and you can repeat the process all over again.

  2. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I like the drawing of the bitch on the television with the squawking mouth and the tiny waist.

  3. Paul’s avatar


    I hate/love that show. Never really watched a full episode of the Housewives, but I have seen bits when checking Bravo to see if Project Runway was on. But it looks gross. Spoiled brats, egotistical mothers, husbands that play golf and take $100,000,000 shits. No thanks!

  4. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    TK42ONE: I have watched more crappy reality television (or bits of it) in the last year than I have in my whole life. I blame it on a crappy year in which I needed to see that there were crazier, more horrible, more depressed, and screwed up people than me…by miles…which is maybe the only good thing about reality tv…it makes us feel better about ourselves.

    Josh: I like to keep it nice and accurate, with my mad cartooning skills.

    Paul: YES!!!!! That show is SO ridiculous, but at least it’s ridiculous funny like Rock of Love and unlike Housewives and Millionaire Matchmaker which are like…ridiculous sad. Yet I still seem to see them…what is wrong with me?! HELP!!!!!!!

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