#117 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics


There was some suggestion yesterday that I wish Adam would share Civilization, and I suppose in a way this is true.  I don’t mind that he is playing a game that he loves, it’s just such an obsessive game that when he plays it I end up feeling massively left out of…well, everything.  He doesn’t really like to have conversations when he’s playing (concentration), and it keeps him up to all hours, and I don’t know, there’s just very little connecting or communicating going on between us while this game goes on.  I feel like when he is writing, or reading, or watching tv (other than Magic games), or a million other things he does in the apartment, there is more communication, more activity and exchange of thought between us.  But not when he plays this game.  And THAT is why I hate Civilization. 

But it makes him happy and so I’ll just sit back, let him play, and write mean comic strips about it…


  1. Paul’s avatar

    Maybe, after all his Civilizationing is done, he’ll come back a new man. Handsomer, muscular, maybe even hairer from a lack of time to shave. I once lost a roommate to WoW.

    The only difference is I hate WoW, but enjoyed Civ the few times I played it.

    You want to take back the Adam you gave me??

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: Excellent idea – can I have that Adam back? I’ve been using the kitty, but even though I said it’s the same, it’s just not.

    WoW has always seemed like the worst of all the games to me…maybe because it looks the most addictive.

    I’m pretty sure playing games on the computer does not make you handsomer, more muscular, or anything good…maybe hairer, but I’m not sure that’s a bonus. :)

  3. theyetiinside’s avatar

    I think everybody has their story about WoW. Someone at my company got divorced over it. Guy wouldn’t pay her any attention at all, baby’s in the next room crying, he’s ignoring it while she’s at work.

    Its damn addictive.

  4. Mike’s avatar

    Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
    Napoleon and Josphene.
    Peanutbutter and Jelly.

    Adam and Civilization is among the greatest couplings human history has known. Truly, one of the least known and most misunderstood love stories of all time.

  5. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Beyond the Pork Sword.

  6. Tomi’s avatar

    This is realy pathetic…not on your part though. I hate people who are that selfish and that much “chicken” to be affraid and face the real world.I guess he rather plays his game because he can get the interaction he expects him to be… You,on the other hand, are pretty much a deeper person.

    Leave him. I suspect he is becoming adicted to the gaming stimulus and can’t stop playing.Ofcourse,even I enjoy playing games for quite a few hours…but when my (at that time) GF came over ,It never came in my thought that i would be rather playing a game than being with HER (in a true sense.Being present.Everyone can have a relationship,this is easy.But being PART of one another,well ,that’s an investment …if you catch my drift).

    And i shall say again, it’s pathetic from his part…


    p.s.: why are you so affraid of telling him what you feel during his “session” ? I bet you feel putt aside and even unimportant.I mean,this is so freakishly childish from his part,I can’t belive i’m reading this 😉 (I’m sorry,i was allways a justice-kind-of-person … i just think you’ve been suffering total injustice,that’s all.)

  7. Tomi’s avatar

    and btw, sacrificing your own happines for another’s is 2 sacrifices in 1: you sacrifice you and yourself 😉

    This ain’t cool…

  8. Tomi’s avatar

    Oh crap…i noticed only now that this was in April 2008 ;)) I hope things got better (i doubt it…well,surprise me 😉 how? i have no idea,i don’t even know you… lol, send a mental image of how things are going with you guys or something)

  9. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Tomi: Thanks for stopping by and for commenting.

    I’m sorry to give you the wrong idea in my comic, if you read some of the others maybe you would see that this is just something he does occasionally when he is between film/tv jobs. Regardless of the fact that I don’t like him playinig it (or like the game in general) he works really really hard when he works – 14 hour days plus a two hour commute on average, so I don’t really feel I have the right to judge him for how he wants to spend some of his free time when he gets a hiatus from work.

    I think he would be happier if he spent more of his time off being productive, and I would be happier with that as well, but I’m not really in a place to judge…I have my own annoying waste of time habits (L&O reruns – and recently The West Wing reruns)…we all have stuff like that I suspect that our partners don’t really “get”.

    The good news is, he seems off Civilization as he hasn’t played in a long time.

    As for your GF coming over and that making you not want to play a video game…I suspect if you and said GF lived together (as Adam and I do) you’d have a slightly different set of priorities…it happens to all of us :)

  10. kfugrip’s avatar

    I am a terrible person.

  11. Tomi’s avatar

    1979semifinalist: hmmm… i understand it now.But it did remind me of quite alot of situations i observed elswere.And since i have a low tollerance for hypocrisy ,i was a bit agitated.maybe a bit more than normaly,because i didn’t sleep for quite many hours 😉

    Indeed,Civ 4 is broken and in my opinion was stupidly made.The interface felt odd and it was all wrong (especialy the QUEUE thing,which didn’t work as in other CIV games…i guess you don’t know what i’m talking about since you didn’t play ;))) sorry i bother you with these details)

    Well,i did live with that GF :)) she was my EX soon 😀 (so i am a bit individualistic…so what) … and ofcourse i should mention this: my ex GF was also gelous if i played The Sims 2 – YES ,she actualy was gelous.She was constantly testing me if i was cheating on her in real life,so naturaly she thought that playing The Sims 2 was a “simulation” of my desires (or so i try to explain to myself) to be with someone else… i mean,i look good,but i aint Brad Pitt dammit… LOL :) yes,i am bragging a bit 😛 (trying to be funny too..i failed i guess)

    I should also note that sometimes i did say “well,you will wait a bit or … nothing’s hapening” and i hated myself for that 😉

    kfugrip:you’re her BF?? sorry dude, if my words seemed very harsh… but you did neglect her 😉 never make your GF sacrifice her patience for your entertainment purposes :))) If you know what i mean…

    Cheers and salutations from Europe – Slovenia (Si)

    p.s.: Slovenia IS NOT Slovakia … if you look on the world map ,go find Croatia,Italy,Hungary and Austria.We are right in the middle of those countries 😉 (not that you care or anything…its just …ah,forget it ;D lol )

  12. Tomi’s avatar

    Also, Civilization 4 next addon should be named “Beyond Constipation” ,because CIV 4 is that bad … Alpha Centauri is awesome,and you (1979semifinalist) should definitely try it! :) And yes,you could even like it …a lot …

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