#118 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

Yeah, this has happened.  A lot.  Especially with this latest book, which I have to say, is just too big to be enjoyable to read.  I mean I like the content, but it’s really hard to just relax and read it.  On top of being over 600 pages it is about six inches wide and eleven inches tall and almost three inches deep.  Too big I say!

Anyway, I’m with Paul, so far I hate this new wordpress dashboard/ navigation.  I’m sure I’ll get used to it and find all the benefits (I assume they’re there, otherwise why woud they change, right?), but so far it’s just frustrating…and posting images is particularly frustrating…which makes me really really glad I have a daily comic I have to post.  Whee! 


  1. k’s avatar

    that’s a bummer. i hope you don’t cross to the dark side and buy a kindle…

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    NEVER! Adam is always trying to get me to embrace technology – like reading comics online, which I’ll do if I’m desperate, but really hate. I’ll probably be the last “real book” hold out on earth…holed up in a cave with all my books…afraid someone’s going to take them from me and digitize them…

  3. kfugrip’s avatar

    If there were a way for a kindle to float in front of you, thus freeing up both my hands for beverages and snacks, then I might buy one. But until it floats, sci-fi-style, I’ll pass.

  4. Trina’s avatar

    Thanks for making me laugh out loud today! (I really needed that today)

    Of course, I hope you weren’t seriously injured.

  5. Paul’s avatar

    I’ll join you in that cave. But yeah, I’m worried because I will be reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell real soon, in hardback, and that is one heavy book. Start wearing your noseguard!

  6. TK42ONE’s avatar

    I’m too wired and tired to make a smarmy comment. I’m laughing instead.

  7. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    No matter how lightweight and convenient the Kindle might be, you are still reading off of a screen, and that is the problem. It is definitely not the same as words on a page.

  8. Mike’s avatar

    Speaking of Beyond the Pork Sword….”it is about six inches wide and eleven inches tall and almost three inches deep. Too big I say!”

    Easy Kelly. What kind of blog is this anyway?

  9. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Adam: Okay, you’re right…floating Kindle and I’m in. I don’t think I’ll live long enough to see that kind of technology though, considering I’m still waiting for my hover board.

    Trina: So glad to get a laugh – and glad to help you out. Only my nose was injured and it’s not that great anyway, so it’s a not a problem.

    Paul: You and me in the cave. Whoo-hoo! That Strange book is HUGE and heavy. I have it on my shelf (the not yet read shelf) let me know how it is.

    TK42ONE: lauhing is better anyway.

    jamminjabber: Agreed! Is this the first thing we have ever whole-heartedly agreed on? Someone mark it down!

    Mike: Nice. I can’t believe I didn’t even catch that…but I stand by my “Too big I say” statement…in fact, I’ll add to it…”WAY too big I say”.

  10. Mike’s avatar

    Oh I totally agree. Anything bigger than 8.5″ and I just cant feel it.

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