#121 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

I’m thinking of moving over to this style, not because it’s easier and more fun (though it is) but simply because Adam and I both look nice and thin… :)


  1. Mike’s avatar

    Kelly, this is a great style. Ive seen more than enough of Adam’s “contour” to last a lifetime.


  2. Mike’s avatar

    On a totally off topic note, Im listening to The Band’s The Last Waltz “I Shall be Released” featuring Bob Dylan. I wish I wrote that song.

  3. Paul’s avatar


    I like this style very much. Kind of simple, kind of kiddy, but still with a lot of character (not a pun!) to it. I thought maybe you were just rushed. I draw sort of stick figures when I don’t have time for a real comic…

  4. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    I think you try a different style everyday, as an exercise in… style? That would be cool.

  5. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Mike: Thanks! Although how on earth can you get enough of Adam’s “contour”? Impossible I say!

    Also – I wish I wrote LOTS of songs. It’s pretty depressing…or inspiring I guess, but I’m more a “the glass is totally devoid of drink” kind of person…

    Paul: And Unn! to you too. As the cartoonist in the bunch you correctly surmised that I ran out of time. I was sitting here working on the website for work until about 1am, and then looked up realizing I didn’t have a comic for Thursday…and thus the genius of the stick figures was born. I think I’ll stick (no pun) with it for a few strips, but ultimately I think I’ll find it a little limiting.

    jamminjabber: Yeah, I’ve TOTALLY got time to add that to my list of things to do…are you crazy! It would be cool, but there’s just no time. I do need to work on a new solidified style for this strip so it doesn’t look slightly different everyday though…

  6. theyetiinside’s avatar

    Speaking of songs, I have been listening to a lot of Damien Rice lately. I discovered him when I saw Closer, but didn’t think much of it. Now I have rediscovered and am loving it. He’s got lots of good live performances on youtube. Here is my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0Qp-f0hxtk . He just fills that empty room with so much passion and energy….somehow I feel I will get reviled for this admission.

    Also, I like the stick figure style as a departure, but I think I would get sick of it as a regularity.

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Scott: Well you liking Damien Rice is about as close as you and I may ever get on music, in that I have one cd of his on my ipod (though I got sick of it very quickly) so I celebrate your discovery. Initially I think I had the reaction you did…I found him kind of full of passion and his songs are intense in their own quiet way, but ultimately I find him very very repetitive and find I can’t get through a whole cd.

    Still…this bodes well for us edging closer (what is with the puns today?!) to not wanting to throw each other’s cd’s into the grand canyon…maybe there is hope?

  8. Trina’s avatar

    Another great LOL comic! You’re really on a roll this week. I think this is my favorite comic of yours so far.

  9. Paul’s avatar

    I think I just realized why I love today’s comic so much. It’s the tree. It cracks me up!

  10. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Unn. Honey those dots of yours are smokin’. You let me know if your man’s package is junk, baby….

    So, by being a stick figure, isn’t he already showing us his junk? Or will you draw dots for him down there?

  11. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Trina: Thanks! Apparently I’m in your wheelhouse this week…

    Paul: Me too! And Adam in panel 4.

    TK42ONE: Stay tuned for tomorrow’s comic!

  12. Mike’s avatar

    Re: Damien Rice. Im totally hooked on this tune. Its Lisa Hannigan from Damien Rice and somebody or other from Snow Patrol.


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