#122 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

I think it speaks to Adam’s confidence that he let me go ahead with this comic :)

I half expected him to hand it back to me when I asked him to scan it, and simply say, “no way.” But Adam has a great sense of humor, and so here we are, laughing at stick figure Adam’s expense. Make sure to tune in Monday as I have great things planned for stick figure Adam.

I hope you all have great things planned for the weekend. With my website work (for my job) almost complete (my part is pretty much done, but there were a few kinks as always) I have taken a couple much needed days off – Friday, Monday, and Tuesday morning – all actually at the request of my awesome boss – to “take a break and recharge – you did great work – now rest” – which means I’m not using up any vacation time…yay!

Adam and I plan to see My Blueberry Nights and Married Life, I have fantasies of Urban Lobster (as always), and we’ll probably do a little shopping (very little – no money!), some apartment “improvements” and I hope to get very very caught up on my writing, which has been languishing while this web project took over my life. What about you guys?

PS – I liked just the circle goatee around Adam’s mouth in the previous strip, but Adam kind of thought it looked like I was doing some kind of bizarre black face, which sounded terrible, so I tried something new that I’m not wild about. Thoughts?


  1. Larisa Ho’s avatar

    Hello. I was highly entertained by your posts. Cool. :)

  2. treenieweenie’s avatar

    I didn’t even notice it the first time it was so teeny-weeny (ryhmes with my new name)

    I like the circle mouth-this mouth looks like some sort of surgical mask.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    Hee, I like the goatee. I get what you’re trying to convey, at least.

    Enjoy the days off! :)

  4. TK42ONE’s avatar

    Glad I’m not the only one that didn’t notice the first time. We’ll just chalk that up to me not checking out another man’s junk.

    But I’m sad that no female readers are giving Adam the “Unn. Baby!” line.

    Oh, and the goatee looks good either way. Maybe some lines or dots to fill it in without giving it a “black face” look?

  5. Mike’s avatar

    Adam looks like Trapjaw from He-man. Check it out, Trapjaw is showing us his blaster too!


  6. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Larisa: Thanks for stopping by…I hope you’ll come back soon!

    Trina: I like surgical mask comment – that is pretty dead on! Unfortunately I had to keep it the same as last time for obvious “continuity reasons”. Hopefully you can see this NOT teenie weenie…

    Paul: Yeah, I prefer the goatee as well. And thanks! I’ve got one precious day left. I’ll try not to waste it like the others.

    TK42ONE: Yeah, it was pretty hard to convey in stick figures…but I hoped you all would stick with it and figure it out…seems like you did…which I appreciate! You’re right…Adam should definitely be getting some “Unns!”…hopefully he’ll get them on Monday…

    Mike: That is AWESOME.

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Mike: By the way, I know now what you truly meant by “Adam’s Contour” and can I just say, I’m truly horrified…

  8. Mike’s avatar

    Im glad I could bring you two a little closer. Therapy and electro shock has all but wiped the ill effects of that event from my mind.

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