#142 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics…NSFW?

You know, I started to feel bad about panel four in the middle of drawing this comic, because maybe there are people out there with some horrible disease where they lose their toenails and now there is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure to replace lost real permanent toenails with fake permanent toenails.  And then I remembered that I was trying to draw a humorous strip and so I said, “To hell with sensitivity!  To hell I say!” 

And so here we are. 

Next week is going to be a new experiment on Rabid Lamb Comics in that I had this thing (really SOME things) happen to me on Wednesday that I want to draw a comic about, but it’s just too “epic” (not really) to fit into four panels.  So next week I will be trying out a real honest to gods serial comic strip…meaning it will be “to be continued” onto as many strips as it takes to tell it.  I think it will probably take the whole week to get it all out.  Anyway, that is something to look forward to, or to dread, y’know depending on whether you’re a glass half full or half empty kinda person…


  1. thejamminjabber’s avatar

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, is that you topless in the second panel? The hair is slightly different, but that might just be because it is mussy from bedplay. And is that you with dark hair in panel 3? And are those your toes? Adam is not going to like this, even if he is the one who did the mussing.

  2. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Whoa is right. None of those boobs are mine and you know it.

  3. Paul’s avatar

    I am so PUMPED about inflatable boobs!

    Get it? 😛

  4. TK42ONE’s avatar

    An epic comic? Are they just around the corner?

    I was more depressed that the last panel had NO boobs. To hell with rotten toenails, I’m not looking at them. You could have no toenails and i wouldn’t give a rat’s hairy behind if you shoved melons in my face.

    And yet again, we see why Paul isn’t a stand-up comic.

  5. Mike’s avatar

    This just in:

    TK42ONE Tattles Tits Totally Trump Toenails.

  6. Mike’s avatar

    Thats how I would lead a story if I was a 1930s newspaper publisher or media mogul. Then there would be balck and white spinning newspapers and people moving in fast forward during ticker tape parades and waving American flags.

    Just thought you all would like a slice of my mind.

  7. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Paul: That was not as good as your last joke. But you get an A for effort.

    TK42ONE: Epic comic…it’s here today!

    Mike: You would have been an awesome 1930’s publisher or media mogul. Watch out William Randolf Hearst…

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