#143 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics

Yes, the beginning of the actual “serial strip”…I can’t believe it either. 

I hope you all had a good weekend.  It was Adam’s birthday this weekend so I took him out to dinner on Saturday night to Pearl Oyster Bar downtown which was an awesome success (and as a special bonus I had a fabulous Lobster Roll – yay!).  We also went to see a movie that he liked and I loved called Reprise.  It’s a Danish film (well actually it’s set in Oslo, but the director is Danish, so I’m going to stick with Danish).  Nevermind, I just looked it up and it is a Norwegian film, though the director is Danish.  Anyway, it was wonderful.  We also watched a fascinating documentary called Deep Water about the 1969 Sailing Race Around the World – the first ever attempt for a single sailor to sail the world without stopping. The documentary is focused on the sad and shocking tale of Crowhurst, the dark horse English competitor.  The documentary was in no way perfect, but the subject matter was completely riveting.  That was about it, except for cleaning the house and waiting around for pieces of Adam’s birthday present (a new computer) to arrive. 


  1. Drew Bergman’s avatar

    I am on the edge of my seat for the next uncomfortable 15 minutes.

  2. Muzikmovement Newz’s avatar

    Read the comic, found it kind of funny. are you creeating this from real life experience?

  3. 1979semifinalist’s avatar

    Well make sure to tune in tomorrow then Drew… :)

    Muzikmovement: Since Rabid Lamb is a ‘journal comic’ pretty much everything is based on my real life events (which explains why it is often boring and unfunny). This is my first attempt in this little strip to tell a story that takes place over a series of daily strips, rather than being self-contained in one strip. This story I’m telling now, did happen to me, last Wednesdaynight, all in the process of about two hours. It’s not necessarily that exciting, but it did make my head want to explode with the conflicting data I absorbed in such a short time.

    Thanks for reading!

  4. Paul’s avatar

    Uh oh! I hope you’re packing a can of mace!

    Yay for a storyline! :)

  5. TK42ONE’s avatar

    So, can we hurry up and get to tomorrow? I want to know what happens!

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