No. Art school does in fact mean you knew witches. Truly tiresome, unfriendly, lonely and mostly unwashed 19 year old girls content in letting their pubic hair grow to an absurd That-Chinese-guy-with-record-long-finger-nails-length and searching for a reason life should allow them to draw their next breath.
Why do I hate people?
Mike: How is it possible we went to the same school and yet I knew no witches…not even wannabes. I kind of wanted to be one, but I never even made the most remote of efforts in that regard…so I’m not going to count it.
And I’m also very grateful now that I didn’t.
Also, thanks!
TK42ONE: Apparently a lot of us pissed off some witches I think. Explains the misery all around.
I was not a weird art student. I have had some awesome piercings 9 total (still have 4 and hope to get back to 6 sometime soon) and I wear a lot of black and I prefer awesome blue nailpolish to your regular red and my hair has been all sorts of colors (and hopefully always will have the freedom to be) but I wasn’t weird or really ‘nerdy’ or anything, I was more just boring and mediocre and wishing I wasn’t either.
Oh, and HELLO I draw comic strips…of course I was sort of one of those “weird art students”.
Frumpy in Adam’s terms just means I didn’t wear low cut clingy stuff and push up bras 24-7…which I pretty much do now.
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