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Ah superheroes, they’re just like us…but not really.

I love this panel from Black Cat #3 of Spider-Man and Black Cat having a serious discussion about their relationship (and stuff) by shouting across rooftops and the side of buildings.  Hilarious and fun.

Ah superheroes, just like us...not really.


I had a few that I loved from Black Widow #5 illustrated by Daniel Acuna this week, but I decided to go with this one at the last minute.  Something about a badass spy, holding a hostage and a smoking gun while telling heroes like Wolverine and Captain America that they should have waited in the parking lot is just hilarious and awesome to me.

And before you panic that I’ve totally lost my mind by posting something that looks like it’s essentially clothing unzipped to Natasha’s stomach – it totally works in the context of the story – which is all I ever really ask for.  CONTEXT.  :)


I love that Tim Miner from 5 Minute Marvels took my complaints about the otherwise awesome Valkyrie’s costume so seriously.  Seriously enough that he sent me a re-design and did a post about it.  Love it!

It also got me thinking that while there are some great elements to Valkyrie’s look, she’s way overdue for a makeover, especially with the breastplate/headlight situation.  What do you say Project:Rooftop?  Can that be the next redesign contest?  I would even get in on that one.

Saturday, August 28th is reading comics in public day.  DC Women Kicking Ass has all the details – check it out and participate if you can!

Also, if you like this look of this freaking adorable drawing by Agnes Garbowska, know that I’m planning a post of one of my favorite things – cute superheroes.  Prepare yourselves!

DC Superheroines By Agnes Garbowska

A new She Has No Head! is up – a spotlight on phenomenal comic and graphic novelist Rutu Modan.

Excerpt from Modan's Queen of the Scottish Fairies, from her Mixed Emotions series for The New York Times

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And when I say “the year” I mean since last year’s comic-con in San Diego.  That’s right, in honor of SDCC 2010, which I am, again, not able to attend I thought I’d do a list of my 52 favorite covers since last year’s comic-con, so essentially July 2009 – July 2010.*

I’m not going bore you with lengthy descriptions about what I respond to in each image, but if you frequent this blog with any regularity, the choices will not surprise you.  My tastes skew to specific things like anyone, and I reward covers that cater to those personal tastes.  For example, as a woman, I tend to be interested in covers with female characters and at the same time you’re unlikely to see many covers with a lot of objectification and hyper sexualization.  As an artist (but only sorta, and a crappy one at that) I tend to be a bit of a snob about what I think is a good or bad cover – good often involves highly graphic images, lots of great negative space, interesting/solid composition, single figures, white space, and good integration of text into the image.

I’m sure I missed a bunch of great covers anyway and, as always, I never feel great about the order, but I tried my best!

If after this list you only desire to see MORE comic covers, then check out my 100 Best Comic Covers list of last year here, here, here, and here.  As well as my “already second guessing myself” modified list here.

Next year SDCC, next year!

52.  Wonder Woman #40.  Aaron Loprestri.

51.  Batman Confidential #40.  Sam Kieth

50.  Red Robin #3.  Francis Manapul.

49.  Heralds #1.  Jelena Djurdjevic.

48.  Punisher Max: Butterfly #1.  Laurence Campbell.

47.  Batgirl #1.  Phil Noto.

46. Beasts Of Burden #3. Jill Thompson.

45.  Joe The Barbarian #5.  Sean Murphy.

44.  American Vampire #1.  Rafael Albuquerque.

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As if I needed further proof that Cliff Chiang IS the perfect Birds of Prey artist, I came across this awesome Chiang Black Canary drawing.  Oh to live in a world where Chiang draws BoP…so delicious…

To all my American readers…here’s a “classic” Wonder Woman 5 Minute Marvel sketch I did for Grace’s birthday.  What says “go America” more than stars on the ass of your swimsuit? Happy 4th!

Here’s what this series is about, if you’re curious!

So we’re at Z…we’re all done.  And don’t listen to Ross who will tell you that a bunch of letters were missing…he’s crazy…he doesn’t know how to spell…I mean who really NEEDS A, E, H, I, T, V, X, or Y?  Especially when you have two D’s and two R’s…BABIES that’s who!

Today: Zealot aka Lady Zannah of Khera

Here’s what this series is about, if you’re curious!

Today: Wonder Woman! aka Diana of Themyscira aka Diana Prince

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