black widow

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I should stress, that except for yesterday’s Buffy (and of course launching this series of posts with Bonnie and Lola) these ladies are not in any particular order. I made a list of characters I love and then went hunting for some of the best art I could find (sometimes it was easier than others…sometimes I ended up with WAY too much cool shit). You know who has more fan art (and pro art!) out there than EVER?


Here we go!

Black Widow by Applepie-Monster

By Applepie-Monster via Applepie Monster Tumblr.

By Meredith McClaren

I don’t know if you guys are familiar with Meredith McClaren’s “itties” but they are just about the greatest damn things ever. I have a whole bunch. And she did a series of Bonnie and Lola for the Kickstarter, which is extra awesome. You can find McClaren at Iniquitous Fish.

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Hey, kids. There’s a new She Has No Head! up today, all about recommendations for great Black Widow reading.

Head on over and check it out.

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