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BAM! Did any of you think I’d really go there? I bet not. But I did. I really did.

Happy Friday.

Adam and I have both basically begged each other to have a good weekend, so I’m hopeful we’ll be able to pull it off (too many crappy weekends in a row just makes it brutal to get through the work week). However, it’s supposed to be super hot (high 80’s and even 90’s) and super humid – the worst combo on earth, so I for one will be doing my damndest to not even leave the house. What about you guys? Any excellent plans?

Update:  Yet another reason to not leave the house this weekend – ANOTHER parade.  Jeezus.  I am apparently in the wrong city for someone who hates parades.  I think this is a Puerto Rican Day parade.  Yuck (not “yuck” to Puerto Ricans or Puerto Rican Day you understand, just yuck to parades…and sunshine…and people…and love…and happiness…)

Update 2:  Adam has submitted an awesome drawing of a dude with a deer’s head for everyone’s enjoyment.  He shows me up as a cartoonist again.  Yay.  Joke, it’s awesome.

Ah Adam, welcome back to the strip. He’s always good for some good Rabid Lamb Comic fodder. We all know he’s the REAL star of Rabid Lamb. Tell me any of you have been able to forget about “dancing adam”…I thought not. :)

And so ends the sequential strip. A bit anti-climatic, like everything with me, I had slightly different intentions throughout the strip, but this is where we ended up based on time (and skill).

Since the sequential strip worked out well though and nobody hated it, I may bring it back. I have an idea for another strip that will take two days I think, so maybe we’ll try the “short sequential strip” next. Thanks for hanging in there.

I still need I.D. and a business card to get to work because my street is blocked off and filled with like 40 cops. This is of course just a minor hassle, but the whole 40 cops thing is frustrating, every time I see them they are literally standing around doing nothing. So I end up feeling A) those are my tax dollars at work? and B) I don’t like having 40 cops just standing around doing nothing as it looks scary and intimidating. While all they seem to want to do is chat at each other and glare at passersby, they all have guns and clubs and shit…it’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling.

Also, much like my feeling about airport security, I don’t really believe the street is any safer just because I get carded before coming in. Delivery drivers and even the occasional food delivery guy has been able to make it into our office (and I’m sure others) so that tells me that they are letting plenty of people through with less hassle than they are giving me. People who want to do something wrong, or just want access and are motivated…are not timid, so really, the cops and barricade are only keeping out the most timid of people who would probably never try to get access for the wrong reasons anyway. Security is a sham. I wonder if the cops even buy it.

Hate to get all serious and introspective, but this ongoing story definitely had a serious side to it. 

So, uh, anyone got any good jokes?

And the uncomfortable drama continues…

Well we’re drawing to the end of the stick figures (and terrible dark genital parts jokes)…which for some will be the sad end of an era and for others will be a welcome relief. We’ve got one more day of it, so for those in the former category, savor these last moments, and for those of you in the latter, hang in there for one more day. Goodness knows what might happen next week…could be anything…

Well hopefully you guys like this one better than yesterdays – which I loved, and based on the comments – only two! – you guys were not so enamored with.  Perhaps the stick figures wear thin?  No pun intended of course…


Hee Hee. I love this one. I don’t know why. The drawing is crappy and the genitals still look just terrible (they look slightly better in tomorrow’s strip I promise) but I just find Adam hilarious in this one.

The nice thing about the stick figures, so far, is that they allow the strip to move somewhat past the traditional lines of “journal comic”, which I’m sure Paul will tell you can get tedious, especially if your life is going through a particularly boring patch (which in my case is pretty much all the time)…anyway, so this has been fun and I think I’ll keep up with it for the rest of the week…who knows what might happen next week…I think Josh suggested that Adam and I go on adventures and solve mysteries…who knows…

The fun with stick figures just keeps on coming. Hopefully since you all read Friday’s strip…you can tell what is going on here…even though it’s just a terrible terrible drawing.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more fun with the genitals of stick figures…

I think it speaks to Adam’s confidence that he let me go ahead with this comic :)

I half expected him to hand it back to me when I asked him to scan it, and simply say, “no way.” But Adam has a great sense of humor, and so here we are, laughing at stick figure Adam’s expense. Make sure to tune in Monday as I have great things planned for stick figure Adam.

I hope you all have great things planned for the weekend. With my website work (for my job) almost complete (my part is pretty much done, but there were a few kinks as always) I have taken a couple much needed days off – Friday, Monday, and Tuesday morning – all actually at the request of my awesome boss – to “take a break and recharge – you did great work – now rest” – which means I’m not using up any vacation time…yay!

Adam and I plan to see My Blueberry Nights and Married Life, I have fantasies of Urban Lobster (as always), and we’ll probably do a little shopping (very little – no money!), some apartment “improvements” and I hope to get very very caught up on my writing, which has been languishing while this web project took over my life. What about you guys?

PS – I liked just the circle goatee around Adam’s mouth in the previous strip, but Adam kind of thought it looked like I was doing some kind of bizarre black face, which sounded terrible, so I tried something new that I’m not wild about. Thoughts?

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