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I’m thinking of moving over to this style, not because it’s easier and more fun (though it is) but simply because Adam and I both look nice and thin… :)

Yes, we’re back to this again. 

I guess it’s good to know that if Adam decides to toss me, the blue collar workers of America will be waiting in the wings to scoop me up, but these encounters remain 10% flattering and bizarrely complimentary; 10% insulting to my inner (and outer?) feminist; and 80% creepy and uncomfortable…


There was some suggestion yesterday that I wish Adam would share Civilization, and I suppose in a way this is true.  I don’t mind that he is playing a game that he loves, it’s just such an obsessive game that when he plays it I end up feeling massively left out of…well, everything.  He doesn’t really like to have conversations when he’s playing (concentration), and it keeps him up to all hours, and I don’t know, there’s just very little connecting or communicating going on between us while this game goes on.  I feel like when he is writing, or reading, or watching tv (other than Magic games), or a million other things he does in the apartment, there is more communication, more activity and exchange of thought between us.  But not when he plays this game.  And THAT is why I hate Civilization. 

But it makes him happy and so I’ll just sit back, let him play, and write mean comic strips about it…


I’m actually almost glad he’s back to playing Civilization, as it makes for some of my favorite strips…here, here, here, and here even!  But I’d happily give up the strip fodder if he could just hear what I’m saying again.  It’s shocking how hard it is to have a conversation with him when he is playing this game.  And by hard, I mean impossible.


Best. Comic. Ever. Yeah, aren’t you glad you came all the way back here for a talking head comic? Sorry. I’ll try harder for tomorrow…technical difficulties be damned.


It’s funny because it’s true.  Well okay, maybe not funny, but it is true.

Please forgive me if the comics are on the suck-y side this week, I worked long hours last week, including all day that Sunday and then pretty much all weekend this past weekend…I am totally spent, and have not only no energy or inspiration for comics this week, but literally no time for them either.  That said, I’ll do my best, and maybe we’ll get lucky, sometimes when you’re in that borderline hallucinogenic state some crazy hilarious stuff comes out…let’s all hope for that.


What are people thinking?! Crazy stuff. 

Project Runway last night…I’m not surprised…were you?

I had this whole rant I wanted to do about The Millionaire Matchmaker (yes, I’ve seen enough episdoes that I have to admit I “watch” the show – but since I watch it largely for comedic value does that make it slightly less disturbing? I think so) anyway, on the finale of Matchmaker this past week, a millionaire (and a good catch of one too – attractive, 6’4, well spoken, educated, not creepy, and well…a MILLIONAIRE) proposed to his date on their first date.  And crazier news, the bitch said yes!  WHAT?!?!?!?!  What world am I living in?

They had known each other for less than 24 hours and spent less than six hours together.  INSANE.  But it made me think a little bit about the rush that everyone seems to be in to get married, well okay, it didn’t make me want to think about it, it made me want to rant about it angrily on my blog.  So here we are. 

What is the freaking rush people?  How can you possibly know someone can be a good partner for you in six months…even a year is pushing it if you ask me.  Nine times out of ten I’d say proposing before you’ve known each other for a year is insane (there are exceptions – Jessica if you’re reading I probably mean you ;).  know there is, especially on a woman’s side of things, a rush if you’re in your thirties and want to have children, but you know what – rushing into the wrong relationship, or even one that seems good but hasn’t had the chance to develop yet because you haven’t even been with that person for an entire year (!) is crazy…sure you might get your kid(s) by the time you’re 36 or 38 or 40 or whatever your magic number for that is, but maybe you’ll be in a crappy marriage too…or divorced…or I don’t know, what’s worse than a crappy marriage? 

It’s just silly. 


He REALLY hates this issue.


Yes, drinking water cures everything you know, even severed arms.

Good weekend everyone?


So I wanted to do a cartoon about Adam dancing since it’s so great, but Adam alone is responsible for the stripper pole direction it took…his suggestion for the cartoon…and it was a great one.  Although my favorite panel is the second one, with him sort of doing ‘the robot’.  He’s a great dancer, it’s a shame that nobody will ever really know it…

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