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Yes Anna Paquin, I know, I know.  I’m just making the world a more horrible place, and sending more and more people that are just looking for gratuitous celebrity nudity to my blog (where they will ultimately be disappointed)…but what can a girl do?  I’m desperate for a good strip these days…no pun intended.

My weekend was pretty much a bust.  I got two important errands done on Saturday, and I managed to write about 2,500 words on Sunday (yes, took me ALL day to get my ass in the chair at 5pm and write 2,500 words) but I got nothing else done.  I didn’t accomplish even a third of my to do list…which leaves me with a deadline to meet by Wednesday…that is going to be nigh impossible.  But wish my lazy ass luck anyway.  How about you guys?  Good weekend?  Bad?  C’mon, make me feel better…


If you’re a fan of This American Life, or of Chris Ware, or just of all things awesome, check out this animated short by Chris Ware and John Kuramoto from the second season of This American Life on Showtime.  Awesome stuff.

Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing (it’s about four minutes long) as it is well worth it and gets funnier and funnier as the story progresses. 

Below is a still I found (thanks google images) of Chris Ware’s animation for another bit on This American Life with he and Ira Glass I believe.  Good times.

I know you’re going to have nightmares about “bunch boobs”…I know I will too.  Don’t blame me, blame the idiots who don’t even know how to spell “nekid”…

Have a good weekend everyone.  I have SO much to do this weekend, but it’s mostly stuff I love (except cleaning my apartment) so I’m hoping it will be a super productive weekend.  I’ve looked at the upcoming list of “phrases people use to find my blog” and some of you are in for a treat.  Good stuff coming up.

Deal?  I hope so because I already spent a bunch of time culling the gems from my search terms section, and there are some gems…


That’s right…our first ever REDUX comic.  I was so disatisfied with yesterday’s strip I decided to have another go at it.  It’s still not as successful as it is in my head (where I am a BRILLIANT artist) but it’s much better than the first pass.  I still didn’t spend a lot of time (I don’t HAVE a lot of time) but I gave myself a more realistic amount of time…and the results are better.   I hope you all agree.  :)

Okay, let’s talk about why today’s strip is totally unsuccessful because of panel 4 (while we also ignore the fact that all of Tink’s text is a bit too small).

I do not possess the skills, and did not give myself adequate time to draw the strip and because of that, the gag (panel 4) of an otherwise interesting strip that I actually really liked, totally failed.  I am super pissed about this.  Had I had any other strips available to post I would have done those instead and spent some time redrawing this so that it actually worked.  I’m very disappointed in myself.  Yay.

Okay, onto my Cinco de Mayo nightmare. 

I got home late-ish (8:30) as did Adam.  I forgot there was an Orlando Magic Playoff Game on (joy! not!) and we decided to order in some good mexican food in honor of the day.  I ordered at 8:40 (too late to be ordering and eating anyway, but what the hell).  I then proceeded to make some homemade guacamole to go with our meal.  Mexican restaurants in my neighborhood were packed so I figured delivery would be a little slow, but OH MY GODS.  At 9:45 I called to check on the order. No answer.  I called about eight times, letting the phone ring about 25 times for each call.  No Answer.  Finally on about the ninth or tenth call (now 10pm) the woman I ordered from answers the phone (politely and as if nothing is wrong…as if she has not been ignoring 250 rings of a phone).  I tell her the problem, she says, (of course) “your order is on its way”.  We wait until 10:20.  Nothing.  Adam now calls.  They do pick up right away (lucky guy that Adam is) and she tells him the same thing.  Finally, at 10:30 the order arrives.  And it is wrong. 

Happy freaking Cinco de Mayo to you too. 

Whew.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Mine was fairly uneventful as I’m still recovering.  If I do too much I get little residual sinus headaches and I’ve got a nasty hacking cough no matter what I do.  I had high hopes for some writing and drawing, but instead it was rest and movies (none of them very good), which isn’t SO bad.  Onto the week…!

Movies I Saw:

The Ten.  Not so impressive.  A couple awesome skits, but mostly jammed in among totally mediocre ones.  2.5 Stars.

Henry The VIII.  Not so good.  Just like all the other pieces about this.  I’m giving it only 2 Stars, despite the presence of Ray Winstone and Helena Bonham Carter. 

Demon Seed.  Not good.  Based on a Dean Koontz novel, who I used to love.  It’s an idea that I can see being awesome and horrifying in a novel, but on screen it did not work at all.  I’d say they should do a remake, now that we have extra fancy technology, but a remake would likely be terrible too.  2 Stars.

Night Watch.  Again, I bet the novel is pretty good, but this film was ALL over the place.  There were some interesting ideas and some cool things going on, but all in all it was a mess.  Sadly I have the second part, Day Watch at home from Netflix as well, so I guess I’ll be watching it.  Also, as a sidenote, I HATE dubbing.  I would much rather have watched this film (and maybe would have liked it more…at least half a star more) if it could have been subtitled.  It look ridiculous dubbed from Russian into English.  Who is into this?!   Horrible.  2.5 Stars. 


That’s right.  I’m BAAAAACK.  And thank the gods.  I was sick people.  SICK.  The sickest and most miserable I have ever been in my life.  If I’d been cognizant enough to find razor blades we honestly might not be having this conversation.  Which has answered one question for me quite well…my pain tolerance?  Must be really really low.  I never thought of myself as having a super high pain tolerance or anything, but I assumed I was y’know…average.  Apparently not, because there are people that live with chronic pain that I’m sure is worse than what I experienced for a mere seven days…and I just…I don’t know how they live.  I was absolutely in hell.  It’s not quite over yet, I’m still suffering from headaches and a bad cough, and that kind of baby deer just outside of the womb feeling when I walk around in the world, but I’m not spending my hours imagining ways in which I can kill myself or drill holes in my face to release the pain, so it’s a glass half full kind of thing.  Anyway, I hope you didn’t all forget about me, and that you’ll come running back now that I’m back… :) 

Things that happened while I was dead almost dead. 

I submitted a letter/question to The Rejecter a few weeks ago, and she published my letter this week and nicely answered my question.  Which is awesome, and makes me four for four in my letters submitted/ published ratio, which pretty much solidifies my theory that submitting letters for publication is my only true gift in life and that I should look for a job doing just that.  If anyone hears of such a ridiculous job, please let me know as I’m obviously a shoe in. 

Adam got his first awesome paycheck at his new job working on a soon to be awesome film.  I don’t think I’m allowed to say more than that, but more to come later.

My parents were in Vegas for a late celebration of my dad’s 60th birthday and did NOT win millions of dollars, but DID come away with the shirts on their backs. 

My landlord tried to raise my rent by $200 a month for my new one year lease starting in June, which is not totally ridiculous for New York except that they usually only raise it $100, so it was double what Adam and I were expecting.  And it acutally IS a bit ridiculous in our case since the Second Avenue subway line construction is barely a block away from us and is insanely loud, AND they’ve never fixed my ceiling from rain damage from last year, AND our hot water kinda blows.  So I sent off a desperate pleading email last week before I got sick, and was rewarded with the landlord agreeing to reduce the raise to a mere $100.  Yay!

I’m sure there were other things that happened…but either they are just as boring as the facts above, or I haven’t figured out what they are yet…it’s amazing how quickly your life can unravel when you can’t pay attention to it for seven days.


As you all know, I’ve talked about my struggle in drawing myself on this blog for the Rabid Lamb strips frequently.  I’ve pretty much hit a wall in that regard, and so for awhile I’m going to be drawing myself like this:

*Objects in comic may be larger (or smaller) than they appear in real life

*Objects have been cartooned up in a happy fun way to make this more enjoyable for the artist

*Artist will be annoyed when confronted with “you don’t look like how you draw yourself in your strip” after having posted this “strip”.  Artist will not engage in a silly debate but will simply point the complainer to this “strip”…Rabid Lamb #132. 

For further documentation, here is a cartoon rendering of a more accurate version of the current me:

And here is a cartoon rendering of how I FEEL these days: 


Finally, in closing, please note that the artist reserves the right to change her mind at anytime and to begin drawing in whatever style she feels like on any given day…

Okay, with all the technical jargon out of our way.  Anyone have good plans for the weekend?  I had dreams of catching up on my writing and drawing, but I got a terrible sore throat last night and am now suffering severe head congestion as well as the sore throat, so basically, I’m just hoping to make it through the day at this point… 

Borrowing (i.e. stealing) from my idol James Jean has gone on long enough.  I’ve uploaded a new temporary header (which I hate).  Bear with me in that I will probably hate anything that is not my old James Jean header.  Now that this temporary one is up and I’m not happy with it, I hope it will motivate me to get a new more permanent version up and running.  Stay tuned…


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