As I said last week I’m going to try to get back to doing a better job of cross-posting my content across the web here, so here are the reviews I did for CBR this week, enjoy!
“Against all odds, in large part due to the A-list creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen, the very weird idea at the center of the “All-New X-Men” series is working like gangbusters five issues in. This issue, as the cover suggests, spends a lot of time with young Jean Grey as she deals with her future death(s). It’s handled quite well — and erases all of my concerns in issue #2 that the series would gloss over these kind of complications….”
Click here to read the full review.

“Sean Murphy’s “Punk Rock Jesus” has been an incredible ride and it certainly doesn’t stop with this final issue. A clever idea that could have easily gone awry, Murphy’s story of a clone of Jesus Christ raised in the public eye was constantly unpredictable, almost always in a good way….”
Click here to read the full review.

“Richard Sala’s beautifully illustrated “Delphine,” an extremely loose reinterpretation of “Snow White” told from the perspective of the unnamed (and more modern) “Prince Charming,” is delightfully dark and mysterious. One part comic book and one part fever dream, there’s a lot to like in this hardback collected edition from Fantagraphics….”
Click here to read the full review.