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I was so excited to see the solicit image for the cover to X-Men Legacy #234.  It features my girl Rogue and is not only beautiful and awesome, but is a far cry from the costume bullshit she’s been putting up with lately.  Unfortunately however, my joy was short lived, because I then went to read the accompanying solicit text.

Before I post the solicit text let’s all agree on what this cover is suggesting.  To me, this cover is Rogue saying (both with her hand gesture and her expression), effectively “Bring it on.  I am a badass and I will take on all comers.” Something to that effect.  I assume because she is gaining control of her powers and becoming an even more powerful superhero (one of the most powerful) this is her, showing off a bit.  I love it.  And then here’s the solicit text for the issue (and if you’re not familiar with Rogue, until recently she was unable to touch another human being flesh to flesh without injuring or killing them).

Solicit For X-Men Legacy #234: Rogue has survived a lot in her day, but can she survive the men warring for her heart? It’s not the first time several men have courted the Southern Belle, but it is the first time she can actually do anything about it.  Who will she chose? You’ll be shocked!

Okay, so now we have a problem.  Because the cover suggests ‘bring it on – and I’ll take on all comers’ and now we find out that the issue is about Rogue’s romantic and sexual relationships…which puts a whole other super icky porno spin on the cover.  I mean maybe I’ve just seen way too much porn in my life and so I’m going to a place that not everyone will go to (I certainly hope that’s the case) but I’m hard pressed to see what else this cover is supposed to suggest than ‘open for business boys.’  Which is just…icky.

So I’m really disappointed in this.  I just don’t know how there aren’t people in some kind of quality control position at Marvel who can look up and go, “Guys…we’ve got a problem…”

I know I’m coming really late to the party on this, but I finally got around to reading Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1 (which Adam got me for Christmas – thanks Adam!) and I pretty much loved it.  It was so fun and light and enjoyable.  Not that the other comics I read on a daily basis aren’t fun and light and enjoyable (although sometimes they are the exact opposite of that), but there was a real ease to the Pilgrim stuff that I realized I totally miss out on in most of the stuff I read these days.

There was also a moment…and it’s a moment that happens for me…or has happened for me in I think every comic I’ve ever ended up truly loving…where the writer/artist totally hooks me and allows me to commit wholeheartedly to the book.  A moment where I say to myself, “Okay, I’m in…you’ve got me.”

And Scott Pilgrim had that moment.  It’s a really small thing, but it was just this one perfect panel that allowed me to open my heart to the book and characters and just love it.  Let me show you.  First you need to have a reference image for what the panel is talking about.  This is Ramona Flowers.

She is a girl that has been showing up in Scott Pilgrim’s dreams of late, and he’s pretty smitten, though he doesn’t know who she is.

And this.  This is Scott Pilgrim trying to figure out who she is by asking his friend Wallace.

OMG.  I AM DYING FROM TEH CUTE!  Ahem.  No, seriously, there’s something about the realness and adorableness about that panel that just hooks me.  Because first of all, though the dialogue is simple, it’s actually quite accurate I think to how a conversation like that goes…and it just feels SO real…like a conversation you have totally had before with your friend.  It also immediately tells me so much about Scott Pilgrim in that one panel.  That he’s a highly visual person because he uses his hands to describe this girl’s hair instead of explaining it.  That he’s aware what a long shot it is with his “Okay, this might sound vague” but he’s still all optimistic with those giant excited hopeful eyes.  I just love it.  It’s a completely tiny thing in the scope of it all, but it’s what hooked me.  It’s what will have me coming back for more.

All that said, I must admit that I was thrown by the whole superhero-y fighting stuff at the end.  I wasn’t a big fan of it and preferred it as a slice of life book about Scott and his band and friends that it was for the first three quarters plus of the book.  But the series is obviously much beloved and O’Malley certainly knows what he’s doing, so I’ll keep tuning in…mostly because of that one panel of hilarious perfection.

The latest She Has No Head! Column is up at CSBG.  It’s yet another decade list..but .you know you love a list…check it out!

Check out my latest CSBG column on She Has No Head! – a review of the Detective Comics/Batwoman arc this far.  The post is called, “The Superhero Comic I’ve Been Waiting For”…you think maybe I like it?  :)

Check out my dialogue with IDW Editor Mariah Huehner about Marvel Comics new GIRL COMICS on CSBG.

From the latest issue of The New Yorker…I totally feel like that Santa Claus is me, all curmudgeonly and ready for payback.  Or maybe it’s just been one of those days…

The latest She Has No Head! column is up on CSBG.  It’s Marvel v DC this week and it’s all about context.

Thanks to everyone that sent in their postcard.

We more than met the 600 required postcards by the October 31st deadline and today Dan Didio honored his promise and announced that in the new year Wonder Woman will get renumbered to #600 moving forward.  Nice work fans.  See?  Sometimes things do change. Almost never…but occasionally.  So pat yourselves on the back and get back to work on the next thing… :)

Find the right female positive comic book for everyone on your holiday shopping list with this week’s ‘She Has No Head!’ Column at CSBG.

Rogue must be guest starring in in the new Black Widow book, because I came across this cover of her in one of my comics this week and….Oh, wait…nevermind.  That’s just Black Widow, wearing the same unzipped to her stomach bullshit that Rogue wears now.  Silly me.

Bonus points for the Black Widow costume being unzipped to her stomach while she’s out in the SNOW in RUSSIA trying to be a spy that is not noticed.  Yeah, women totally do that.  ALL the time.  Jesus.

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