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Whew.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Mine was fairly uneventful as I’m still recovering.  If I do too much I get little residual sinus headaches and I’ve got a nasty hacking cough no matter what I do.  I had high hopes for some writing and drawing, but instead it was rest and movies (none of them very good), which isn’t SO bad.  Onto the week…!

Movies I Saw:

The Ten.  Not so impressive.  A couple awesome skits, but mostly jammed in among totally mediocre ones.  2.5 Stars.

Henry The VIII.  Not so good.  Just like all the other pieces about this.  I’m giving it only 2 Stars, despite the presence of Ray Winstone and Helena Bonham Carter. 

Demon Seed.  Not good.  Based on a Dean Koontz novel, who I used to love.  It’s an idea that I can see being awesome and horrifying in a novel, but on screen it did not work at all.  I’d say they should do a remake, now that we have extra fancy technology, but a remake would likely be terrible too.  2 Stars.

Night Watch.  Again, I bet the novel is pretty good, but this film was ALL over the place.  There were some interesting ideas and some cool things going on, but all in all it was a mess.  Sadly I have the second part, Day Watch at home from Netflix as well, so I guess I’ll be watching it.  Also, as a sidenote, I HATE dubbing.  I would much rather have watched this film (and maybe would have liked it more…at least half a star more) if it could have been subtitled.  It look ridiculous dubbed from Russian into English.  Who is into this?!   Horrible.  2.5 Stars. 


That’s right.  I’m BAAAAACK.  And thank the gods.  I was sick people.  SICK.  The sickest and most miserable I have ever been in my life.  If I’d been cognizant enough to find razor blades we honestly might not be having this conversation.  Which has answered one question for me quite well…my pain tolerance?  Must be really really low.  I never thought of myself as having a super high pain tolerance or anything, but I assumed I was y’know…average.  Apparently not, because there are people that live with chronic pain that I’m sure is worse than what I experienced for a mere seven days…and I just…I don’t know how they live.  I was absolutely in hell.  It’s not quite over yet, I’m still suffering from headaches and a bad cough, and that kind of baby deer just outside of the womb feeling when I walk around in the world, but I’m not spending my hours imagining ways in which I can kill myself or drill holes in my face to release the pain, so it’s a glass half full kind of thing.  Anyway, I hope you didn’t all forget about me, and that you’ll come running back now that I’m back… :) 

Things that happened while I was dead almost dead. 

I submitted a letter/question to The Rejecter a few weeks ago, and she published my letter this week and nicely answered my question.  Which is awesome, and makes me four for four in my letters submitted/ published ratio, which pretty much solidifies my theory that submitting letters for publication is my only true gift in life and that I should look for a job doing just that.  If anyone hears of such a ridiculous job, please let me know as I’m obviously a shoe in. 

Adam got his first awesome paycheck at his new job working on a soon to be awesome film.  I don’t think I’m allowed to say more than that, but more to come later.

My parents were in Vegas for a late celebration of my dad’s 60th birthday and did NOT win millions of dollars, but DID come away with the shirts on their backs. 

My landlord tried to raise my rent by $200 a month for my new one year lease starting in June, which is not totally ridiculous for New York except that they usually only raise it $100, so it was double what Adam and I were expecting.  And it acutally IS a bit ridiculous in our case since the Second Avenue subway line construction is barely a block away from us and is insanely loud, AND they’ve never fixed my ceiling from rain damage from last year, AND our hot water kinda blows.  So I sent off a desperate pleading email last week before I got sick, and was rewarded with the landlord agreeing to reduce the raise to a mere $100.  Yay!

I’m sure there were other things that happened…but either they are just as boring as the facts above, or I haven’t figured out what they are yet…it’s amazing how quickly your life can unravel when you can’t pay attention to it for seven days.


As you all know, I’ve talked about my struggle in drawing myself on this blog for the Rabid Lamb strips frequently.  I’ve pretty much hit a wall in that regard, and so for awhile I’m going to be drawing myself like this:

*Objects in comic may be larger (or smaller) than they appear in real life

*Objects have been cartooned up in a happy fun way to make this more enjoyable for the artist

*Artist will be annoyed when confronted with “you don’t look like how you draw yourself in your strip” after having posted this “strip”.  Artist will not engage in a silly debate but will simply point the complainer to this “strip”…Rabid Lamb #132. 

For further documentation, here is a cartoon rendering of a more accurate version of the current me:

And here is a cartoon rendering of how I FEEL these days: 


Finally, in closing, please note that the artist reserves the right to change her mind at anytime and to begin drawing in whatever style she feels like on any given day…

Okay, with all the technical jargon out of our way.  Anyone have good plans for the weekend?  I had dreams of catching up on my writing and drawing, but I got a terrible sore throat last night and am now suffering severe head congestion as well as the sore throat, so basically, I’m just hoping to make it through the day at this point… 

Hello longtime fans of me (and new fans of me too of course)!  I’m going to start trying to participate in Illustration Friday.  You can read more about it by following the link, but basically it is a great site, in which one word is given on Fridays and a community of all kinds of artists participate by submitting their interpretation of that word and linking their image to the Illustration Fridays site. 

This is my first go round, and the word is Primitive.  I’m in a bit of a quandry as to whether I should be posting it under “cartoon” or “comic book”…for this one I guess I’ll go with cartoon and moving forward I’ll just have to play it by ear.  Enjoy!


It’s all true.  I don’t know when I’ll come out of this funk, but perhaps drawing myself looking more like Jessica Rabbit and less like the real me (as I have done above) will help pull me out of it…


Fun with heads.  What can I say?  I’ve still been struggling to find a visual identity for my strip.  It varies wildly from week to week, and sometimes day to day.  I’m actually a much better artist than this strip would lead a person to believe but I just really despise drawing myself and cannot seem to find a style that fits comfortably (why I chose to do a journal comic is a mystery to me).  I really would have thought a nice solid style would have evolved on its own by now, but it just hasn’t, and I’m in a bit in a quandry about what to do about it. 

I had decided recently to start doing (and posting) some pages (which Adam graciously agreed to color for me) from an old project of mine that I love, with characters that are quite cartoony, but I committed to getting some writing projects done first, and that hasn’t happened yet.  What is this whole diatribe about you ask?  Basically it’s me, asking you gentle reader, to hang in there.  I know the comics have been by turns bizarre, or lame, or poorly drawn lately, but I believe we will turn the corner back to good again…someday (soon, I hope). 

So thanks for hanging in there.


Man do I hate me some people. 

I just have a really low tolerance for crowds.  I mean, I’m sure there are very few people that love crowds…maybe really young guys and girls who feel like they’re constantly on spring break?  Or the kind of people that are hoping that the larger the crowd the better variety of people to hook up with?  Hell, I don’t know.  I think most normal adults are pretty turned off by crowds.  But I confess to being not normal in that I’m so turned off by crowds I will just deliberately not do shit in order to avoid them. 

Case in point, I’ve been wanting to go to MOMA for ages, and put it off in part because I knew it would be a circus.  And it was.  But it was pretty great anyway.  I wish museums were like they are on TV – where it’s just you and all this beautiful space and stunning original work on the walls that you can be alone with.  But I guess museums would be out of business if it really was that way. 

Anyway, I highly recommend MOMA if you’re in New York, regardless of crowds (though I bet it is less crowd-y on weekdays in either the morning or late afternoon). 

Perhaps we will have a slew of comics of actual events…rather than just shots of me watching a tv show, since my good friend Kyle is in town, and is “forcing” me to do all sorts of great stuff with him.  Between Friday night and Sunday night I went to The Natural History Museum, The Cloisters, and MOMA, spent some time in the East Village, saw a movie (Forgetting Sarah Marshall – hilarious!) and of course there were a couple great dinners and breakfasts thrown in there as well.  I literally did more in one weekend than I usually do in about three months.  Of course no writing and very very little in the way of comics got done, so this is not really a way I could live my live usually, but it was nice to get outside my head for a while.

I could still do with WAY less people though.  Everywhere we went, especially MOMA was insanely crowded.  I HATE me some crowds.  I do love me some sculpture gardens though, so it was worth it.  :)

That’s right.  You guys couldn’t take the “creative” and “adventurous” stuff, so here we are.  Back to Adam’s and my invigorating “real life”.  Like watching a marathon of Discovery’s ‘Deadliest Catch’.  Which makes a riveting comic to read, right?  :) 

Honestly though, the show, Deadliest Catch is kind of amazing and horrible.  I mean, it is hands down the most intense reality show of all time, a guy actually died on one of the episodes I watched.  Talk about raising the reality stakes.  Forget houswives and their ridiculous rich woman woes, and the sluttiness of rock of love hos, and even my cherished chimpanzee bros…dudes DIE on this show. I did a little rhyming for you there…did you enjoy it?  Good, because it will probably never happen again.  Anyway, the show is pretty crazy.  It is really fascinating to see how these men (and one whiny woman) live with these dangerous jobs and lives, although it suffers from the same problems of all reality shows, too much padding and recapping, too much repetitive stuff overall,  but otherwise a pretty scary show…or maybe I’m just super afraid of the Bering Sea…which could totally be my own issue…

Well we’re drawing to the end of the stick figures (and terrible dark genital parts jokes)…which for some will be the sad end of an era and for others will be a welcome relief. We’ve got one more day of it, so for those in the former category, savor these last moments, and for those of you in the latter, hang in there for one more day. Goodness knows what might happen next week…could be anything…

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