Whew. Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was fairly uneventful as I’m still recovering. If I do too much I get little residual sinus headaches and I’ve got a nasty hacking cough no matter what I do. I had high hopes for some writing and drawing, but instead it was rest and movies (none of them very good), which isn’t SO bad. Onto the week…!
Movies I Saw:
The Ten. Not so impressive. A couple awesome skits, but mostly jammed in among totally mediocre ones. 2.5 Stars.
Henry The VIII. Not so good. Just like all the other pieces about this. I’m giving it only 2 Stars, despite the presence of Ray Winstone and Helena Bonham Carter.
Demon Seed. Not good. Based on a Dean Koontz novel, who I used to love. It’s an idea that I can see being awesome and horrifying in a novel, but on screen it did not work at all. I’d say they should do a remake, now that we have extra fancy technology, but a remake would likely be terrible too. 2 Stars.
Night Watch. Again, I bet the novel is pretty good, but this film was ALL over the place. There were some interesting ideas and some cool things going on, but all in all it was a mess. Sadly I have the second part, Day Watch at home from Netflix as well, so I guess I’ll be watching it. Also, as a sidenote, I HATE dubbing. I would much rather have watched this film (and maybe would have liked it more…at least half a star more) if it could have been subtitled. It look ridiculous dubbed from Russian into English. Who is into this?! Horrible. 2.5 Stars.