I LOVE cake batter flavored ice cream. I believe I first had it and discovered how ridiculously freaking delicious it is at Cold Stone Creamery a couple years ago, but Ben & Jerry’s has gotten wise, and it was delicious. It would have been better without the chocolate stripe, which, while good, tasted (as advertised) like chocolate frosting…and I think a fudge stripe would have had a better blended flavor. Considering that we’ve so scientifically established my incredibly refined palette I think Ben & Jerry’s should take my advice…Ben & Jerry’s you can send my royalty checks as soon as you implement the new formula. Thank you.
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Hmm…think you’ve stumbled onto the wrong comic (mostly because you’re shocked to be seeing COLOR)? No, but April Fools!
The above strip is a little cross-promotion fun that Paul Abbamondi of My Life Comics and I came up with…we cartoonists really know how to have a good time don’t we? Paul actually came up with the idea and suggested it to me, although I think he was inspired by Adam’s guest strip a few weeks ago.
It was a great suggestion though, especially since I LOVE another blog called Pencils At Dawn which is a “competition” between two insanely talented cartoonists Mike Jacobsen of See Mike Draw and Phil (no last name?) of The Rut, as they battle it out by drawing competing cartoons/strips and posting them on their Pencils At Dawn site, it’s a great idea, and they are by far two of the best cartoonists I have found on the web.
Anyway, Paul and I humbly offer up our meager cross-promotion April Fools Day fun for your enjoyment – to get the full effect please go over to his site as well and check out the cartoon I did for his strip.
I’ve been trying to slowly edge towards more healthy lifestyle choices (VERY slowly) and thought I’d see if V8 was an option for getting extra vegetable servings into my diet. NOT going to happen. This stuff tasted terrible. And I don’t really know why…I mean I like vegetables…and I definitely like tomato juice which seems like the base of the drink…but it is NOT like tomato juice…and there is a truly horrible aftertaste. I am liking the new V8 fusion though, which is fruit and vegetables and tastes much more like fruit…so far I’ve only had the Tropical Orange as Pomegranete Blueberry always seems to be sold out near me and Strawberry Banana and Peach Mango are obvious no go flavors for me (see: here). There is also an Acai Mixed Berry flavor, which has potential, but I also haven’t seen that one in the store and will need to check the ingredients when I do.
I know this is riveting Monday morning conversation…what can I say…I’m a riveting person.
Sadly, if I do in fact have a sensitive or refined palette, it is totally wasted. I despise and will not tolerate onions, thus a HUGE selection of foods are off limits to me, even whole types of cuisine sometimes. I can almost never order a soup in a restaurant (definitely gonna have onions) and while I’ve found things I really like at Thai and Indian restaurants, navigating the menu is always a bit of a challenge. So this palette of mine, refined or no, is wasted on me. I’ve branched out much more in my adulthood, often with thanks to Adam (I now like roasted brussel sprouts and about a thousand other vegetables I never would have tried without his guidance) but onions remain a hated enemy, I doubt I’ll ever get over it.
Randomly I also hate and will not tolerate: bananas, mushrooms (although I’ve made an exception here a few times in the last year for portabellos with not disastrous results), peaches, apricots, and plums (long story), as well as red grapes, pumpkin, coconut, and cooked carrots.
Any kind of food that you guys despise? Does it limit you?
I’ve already written a massive review about this book, so I’ll spare you. Suffice to say the book pretty well rocked, and the movie was one of the most horrible pieces of crap I’ve ever seen in my life. The comic is a pretty accurate detail of what it was like to read the book, I really did hate Anne Boleyn with such venom for about 450 pages that I could barely sit still, but Gregory does a pretty good job of turning her around towards the end so that you can feel for her as she gets trapped in her own web.
On the same topic, I recently finished Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: A Feminisit Reinterpretation of the Wives of Henry VIII. It was interesting, but I didn’t feel it was a very in depth (or feminist) account of these women, I also didn’t love the author’s writing style and often found it a bit confusing, so I’ve moved on to The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Alison Weir, which is a giant in-depth biography. I’m about 100 pages in and so far find it incredibly informative and well-written.
It’s funny, I probably would have read and enjoyed a book like this in school had it been assigned to me, but I certainly never would have read it in my free time of my own volition, and here I am not only reading it, but actively hunting down other good biographies I’ve heard of. Strange how people grow up and change.
Sorry for the late posting…I’ve been ill, probably due to overwork and have taken a much needed day off/sick day and I was sleeping in. I’ve been working my regular work schedule plus going home early on Thursdays and working late from home and then working all day at home on Fridays trying to meet Monday draft deadlines for a web design thing for my office. There is ALWAYS way more work than I think there will be however, and so for the last three or four weekends that has meant working Saturday and Sunday as well…usually a minimum of eight hours each day. It it is totally killing me. And Adam is none to happy either. The side effects, in order of importance are:
1. I am an incredible exhausted grouchy-pants most (all) of the time.
2. I spend almost no pure/good/fun downtime with Adam unless it is scheduled (The Bad Plus show for example).
3. My body is so sick of sitting at my desk and staring at a computer screen that I wouldn’t sit at my desk/computer to do my own writing and comics if you threatened me with my greatest fears. Thus, no writing and the bare minimum of comics have been done over the last month.
The good news is, the project is looking good, and thankfully drawing to a close. I optimistically predict there will be less than eight hours of work this coming weekend and I hope to maybe take next Monday off as well, to offset the horror.
This must be the tiniest taste of what tax accountants experience every winter/spring. Suffice to say I will not be switching over to that field…
As childless atheists (that sounds really bad somehow) these kind of holidays just slip on by. This year I actually did manage to remember and gave Adam some brightly colored chocolate treats (that is what Easter is about right – “Brightly Colored Chocolate Treats…often shaped like cute animals”)? But otherwise it passed without a mention.
We did see The Bad Plus at the Bluenote on Saturday night with some friends and it was, as usual, fantastic. Standouts were their songs Dirty Blonde and 1980 World Champion (sound familiar?) as well as their brilliant cover of Tears For Fears Everybody Wants to Rule The World. Great stuff and a really good time with friends I haven’t seen in far too long.
A special shout out to Steve who didn’t want to go to the show and came along anyway. It wasn’t really his thing, but he gets major points for being a team player and hanging out.
Yup. Memory loss. Good times. To be fair, my co-worker is actually YOUNGER than I am, but still, the inability to come up with the word “revolving” is just too sad. On the plus side, once I got over the fact that I am old and feeble minded, I find it quite fun to call revolving doors, “go round doors” it’s got a nice ring to it I think…
Matthew Reidsma, an incredibly talented comic strip artist, whose strip High Maintenance Machine is so superior to mine I can’t even explain it, in fact once you visit High Maintenance Machine you’ll probably never come back (sniff sniff), just celebrated his 600th strip last month and is having a little contest for other artists to try a hand at drawing his strip. The deadline was yesterday, and here is my entry. You can also see Paul’s (My Life Comics) entry here.
Please do check out High Maintenance Machine, it is a truly excellent strip.