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Yeah, Bed Bath & Beyond and I continue to have a very different sense of humor.  It has made our relationship challenging…

I’ve gotten a tiny little taste of semi-fame and I’ll tell you what, I’d pretty much like some more.

Adam and I went to dinner and a movie last night downtown after my salon visit (it’s always a shame to waste super awesome hair by just going straight home – though I’m not sure a dark movie theater is really the place to be showing off awesome locks).  Anyway, we went to my new favorite place, which I’ve talked about before, Urban Lobster.  As we’re walking inside, Adam grabs me and says, “Oh my god – Kelly look.”  And sure enough, taped up in the window with some of their recent reviews, is Rabid Lamb Comic #70 in which I proclaimed my love for Urban Lobster.  Hilarious and awesome. 

We had our, as usual, delicious meal, and upon leaving we saw the strip and blurb I wrote about Urban posted up on an exterior wall as well.  It was pretty much awesome.  I took a picture of the ad in the window with my phone, it’s pretty tiny and crappy since it was taken on a phone, but check it out below. 

Adam asked me if I had any regrets about the comic now that it was posted up on a public wall, and I said yes, for sure, I wished I’d drawn it better as I particularly hate panel one (panel two I actually love and three and four are passable, though the text is a bit wonky) but this is actually a bit of a conundrum.  I know I can draw better than what I crank out for Rabid Lamb, but I’m just too busy and posting daily is just too fast and intense for me to put in the necessary time to get everything drawn at a level I’d be more happy with.  I don’t know, I’m going to have to think about it.  Anyone have any thoughts?


Sidenote:  I’ve decided that should I ever be on Death Row, my last meal request will be “Lobster Bisque, Lobster Roll and Mashed Potatoes from Urban Lobster”…It’s definitely carb heavy, but it’s my last meal…might as well live it up right?


Talking heads again, but with an exciting 4th panel, sort of.

To my credit, I had been up late for just days and days and days with very little sleep, and I happen to live on a very frat-y wanna be irish street that has no less than three irish bars within shouting distance of my window. Did you do anything great for St. Patrick’s Day?  Clearly I did not…sleep is good. 


Best. Comic. Ever. Yeah, aren’t you glad you came all the way back here for a talking head comic? Sorry. I’ll try harder for tomorrow…technical difficulties be damned.


It’s funny because it’s true.  Well okay, maybe not funny, but it is true.

Please forgive me if the comics are on the suck-y side this week, I worked long hours last week, including all day that Sunday and then pretty much all weekend this past weekend…I am totally spent, and have not only no energy or inspiration for comics this week, but literally no time for them either.  That said, I’ll do my best, and maybe we’ll get lucky, sometimes when you’re in that borderline hallucinogenic state some crazy hilarious stuff comes out…let’s all hope for that.


The last of the “search term” comics…so sad for me, these have been some good fun. I think I’ll make them a recurring feature of Rabid Lamb…but maybe one at a time and not two weeks worth…


Seriously people?  Seriously. 

Although, given the sexbot queries I’ve had, perhaps Kim Kardashian’s EXACT body dimensions are a good thing to have on hand.  Y’know, just at the ready, in case one should decide one weekend to build a sexbot after one finishes rebuilding the deck, or the kids swingsets, you never know…


Strip #100!  Whooo!  Time does fly.

As a sidenote, I cannot find a book called “How To Sleep Peacefully Without Love”, so that theory is shot. 

I also didn’t get directed to my own site when I googled it so that’s good.  However, when I googled it I did get a series of somewhat disturbing sites about some of the following:  The Chillow Pillow; Willpower Plus +; Even Without Love, A Marriage Is Still A Marriage; and my personal favorite – “Is It Immoral To Have Sex With Your Partner While They Sleep?”…

I’m going to go out on a limb here for that last one and say, “Probably Yes.”


Yeah, I couldn’t have even made up that one in panel three.  On further reflection (and comment from Adam) it must be the title of a book or something, but man is it intense…and why the hell did it take them to my blog?!?

Sorta NSFW…in a cartoony way, again.


That’s right folks, the “blog search terms” comics continue this week.  I only planned to do a week of these comics originally, but I had so many great words and phrases I couldn’t bear to stop.  This is the last week of it though, I promise.  And it may be the last time I ever get to do it, as I’ve noticed in the last few months the “blog search terms” have become much more pedestrian. 

As for today’s comic, in case you were the person asking the question in panel four, the sign will definitely help, but you probably don’t need it if you just wear something really really low cut.  Hope I could be a help.

Everyone have a good weekend?  I worked really hard, mostly on Sunday, which was surprisingly satisfying, but I still need to find a way to balance fun with productivity, suggestions welcome…

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