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There was some suggestion yesterday that I wish Adam would share Civilization, and I suppose in a way this is true.  I don’t mind that he is playing a game that he loves, it’s just such an obsessive game that when he plays it I end up feeling massively left out of…well, everything.  He doesn’t really like to have conversations when he’s playing (concentration), and it keeps him up to all hours, and I don’t know, there’s just very little connecting or communicating going on between us while this game goes on.  I feel like when he is writing, or reading, or watching tv (other than Magic games), or a million other things he does in the apartment, there is more communication, more activity and exchange of thought between us.  But not when he plays this game.  And THAT is why I hate Civilization. 

But it makes him happy and so I’ll just sit back, let him play, and write mean comic strips about it…


I’m actually almost glad he’s back to playing Civilization, as it makes for some of my favorite strips…here, here, here, and here even!  But I’d happily give up the strip fodder if he could just hear what I’m saying again.  It’s shocking how hard it is to have a conversation with him when he is playing this game.  And by hard, I mean impossible.


I LOVE cake batter flavored ice cream. I believe I first had it and discovered how ridiculously freaking delicious it is at Cold Stone Creamery a couple years ago, but Ben & Jerry’s has gotten wise, and it was delicious. It would have been better without the chocolate stripe, which, while good, tasted (as advertised) like chocolate frosting…and I think a fudge stripe would have had a better blended flavor. Considering that we’ve so scientifically established my incredibly refined palette I think Ben & Jerry’s should take my advice…Ben & Jerry’s you can send my royalty checks as soon as you implement the new formula. Thank you.


Sorry for the late posting…I’ve been ill, probably due to overwork and have taken a much needed day off/sick day and I was sleeping in. I’ve been working my regular work schedule plus going home early on Thursdays and working late from home and then working all day at home on Fridays trying to meet Monday draft deadlines for a web design thing for my office. There is ALWAYS way more work than I think there will be however, and so for the last three or four weekends that has meant working Saturday and Sunday as well…usually a minimum of eight hours each day. It it is totally killing me. And Adam is none to happy either. The side effects, in order of importance are:

1. I am an incredible exhausted grouchy-pants most (all) of the time.

2. I spend almost no pure/good/fun downtime with Adam unless it is scheduled (The Bad Plus show for example).

3. My body is so sick of sitting at my desk and staring at a computer screen that I wouldn’t sit at my desk/computer to do my own writing and comics if you threatened me with my greatest fears. Thus, no writing and the bare minimum of comics have been done over the last month.

The good news is, the project is looking good, and thankfully drawing to a close. I optimistically predict there will be less than eight hours of work this coming weekend and I hope to maybe take next Monday off as well, to offset the horror.

This must be the tiniest taste of what tax accountants experience every winter/spring. Suffice to say I will not be switching over to that field…


As childless atheists (that sounds really bad somehow) these kind of holidays just slip on by.  This year I actually did manage to remember and gave Adam some brightly colored chocolate treats (that is what Easter is about right – “Brightly Colored Chocolate Treats…often shaped like cute animals”)? But otherwise it passed without a mention. 

We did see The Bad Plus at the Bluenote on Saturday night with some friends and it was, as usual, fantastic.  Standouts were their songs Dirty Blonde and 1980 World Champion (sound familiar?) as well as their brilliant cover of Tears For Fears Everybody Wants to Rule The World.  Great stuff and a really good time with friends I haven’t seen in far too long. 

A special shout out to Steve who didn’t want to go to the show and came along anyway.  It wasn’t really his thing, but he gets major points for being a team player and hanging out.


Best. Comic. Ever. Yeah, aren’t you glad you came all the way back here for a talking head comic? Sorry. I’ll try harder for tomorrow…technical difficulties be damned.


It’s funny because it’s true.  Well okay, maybe not funny, but it is true.

Please forgive me if the comics are on the suck-y side this week, I worked long hours last week, including all day that Sunday and then pretty much all weekend this past weekend…I am totally spent, and have not only no energy or inspiration for comics this week, but literally no time for them either.  That said, I’ll do my best, and maybe we’ll get lucky, sometimes when you’re in that borderline hallucinogenic state some crazy hilarious stuff comes out…let’s all hope for that.


What are people thinking?! Crazy stuff. 

Project Runway last night…I’m not surprised…were you?

I had this whole rant I wanted to do about The Millionaire Matchmaker (yes, I’ve seen enough episdoes that I have to admit I “watch” the show – but since I watch it largely for comedic value does that make it slightly less disturbing? I think so) anyway, on the finale of Matchmaker this past week, a millionaire (and a good catch of one too – attractive, 6’4, well spoken, educated, not creepy, and well…a MILLIONAIRE) proposed to his date on their first date.  And crazier news, the bitch said yes!  WHAT?!?!?!?!  What world am I living in?

They had known each other for less than 24 hours and spent less than six hours together.  INSANE.  But it made me think a little bit about the rush that everyone seems to be in to get married, well okay, it didn’t make me want to think about it, it made me want to rant about it angrily on my blog.  So here we are. 

What is the freaking rush people?  How can you possibly know someone can be a good partner for you in six months…even a year is pushing it if you ask me.  Nine times out of ten I’d say proposing before you’ve known each other for a year is insane (there are exceptions – Jessica if you’re reading I probably mean you ;).  know there is, especially on a woman’s side of things, a rush if you’re in your thirties and want to have children, but you know what – rushing into the wrong relationship, or even one that seems good but hasn’t had the chance to develop yet because you haven’t even been with that person for an entire year (!) is crazy…sure you might get your kid(s) by the time you’re 36 or 38 or 40 or whatever your magic number for that is, but maybe you’ll be in a crappy marriage too…or divorced…or I don’t know, what’s worse than a crappy marriage? 

It’s just silly. 


I know, it doesn’t really make sense, but I guess I thought when I got my head together, the rest would follow.  Now, arguably my head is not together just because I’ve been in therapy for a year, but it’s better.  Actually, I’m not really sure it’s better…no fault of the therapist, or me really, 2007 was just a really hard year, and you can’t expect to get better or “together” when all you’re doing is surviving.  Regardless, I continue to hold on to the possibly erroneous belief that getting my head together will be the first step to making the body come along in the direction I want it to.  It would be great if it could start coming along before I go to Hawaii in July…how about that body?  C’mon! 

Sidenote: I think I’m getting sick (again).  Adam has been sick since Saturday night and I’ve been taking care of him.  I thought I dodged it with clever handwashing and taking vitamins and such, but my throat hurts this morning, so all that damn hand washing may have been for naught.  Anyway, I’ve already got a comic scanned and ready for tomorrow, but I haven’t done Friday’s yet, so we may have the first ever Rabid Lamb Comic interruption if I get hit with this thing.  Maybe it would be best if you all mentally prepare yourselves now…I know your day just won’t be right without a morning comic from Rabid Lamb…  :)

Shoutout:  A special shoutout/thank you to Josh, who has been helping both Adam and I whore out our blogs.  The line of widgets you see on the bottom of some of these posts is my blatant attempt to get more traffic…and it’s all thanks to Josh.  Thanks Josh!


Hee hee.  This is surprisingly accurate.  I’ve had to clean up Adam’s ears like 50 times already since June. 

To his credit, this would drive anyone nuts, especially someone so well versed in computers and someone that spends so much time on line.  It’s a horrible situation.  We’re (and by we’re I mean “he, and maybe I’ll chip in for his birthday”) saving up for a new machine for him.  It will be a great day for both of us when he no longer has this internet disconnection issue.

Happy V-Day to everyone.  I wish I had a special V-Day strip for you guys today, but it just didn’t happen.  I do have a slightly naughty post V-Day strip for tomorrow though…so make sure to tune in.  Hopefully most of you are doing something nice for yourself or your loved one on this most corporate of holidays.  It’s funny, I hated Valentine’s Day when I was single, and now that I’m not, it’s really not that much better, just corporate pigs, feasting on our poor needy little carcasses.  It’s so sad. 

Yet I still hope I get some Sees chocolate though…I’m a sheep, what can I say?

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