It’s Thursday…you know what that means…NEW chapters for THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING.
You can download the new chapters here: The Girl Who Would Be King Chapters 23 & 24
Or just read below.
If you want to read ALL of Part 1: Break Away (over 90 pages), head over to THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING page and download or read directly from the site.
A huge thanks to all of you for the massive success of the Kickstarter. I’m so in awe of your support and enthusiasm for this book. And of course thanks to all of you the book is not only being published but it will an amazing one of a kind hardcover illustrated edition – with gorgeous work by Stephanie Hans. Check out the Kickstarter and updates to see more of what’s to come.
Now onto those last pages…you guys know I ended this on a cliffhanger, right? I’M SORRY, OKAY!?!?!

I ride the rails trying to forget about Jasper. About Rachael and Sharon. My mother and father. And I focus on the idea of starting over until it’s the only thing I can see.
It sounds clean. It feels clean.
The idea of being someone else, maybe in a whole new city, with an entirely new name. With those things can I also somehow have a new past?
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