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Yeah.  Disappointing.  And now he’ll probably never let me do it again (of course I’ll forget it wasn’t very fun and totally become obsessed with the idea again).  I think it’s more about being extravagant and waited on and pampered than anything else –  there’s something about being able to see movies still in theaters while in a giant king-sized bed hotel room and having someone bring me a sandwich and a milkshake that just really makes me feel happy inside.  But it was a let down, I’ll try to hold on to that part of the equation so that it doesn’t happen again…

It’s sad but true.  Adam and I both sometimes like to sleep on our stomach with a knee cocked out from our body, which we cannot both do in a queen size bed, not unless we want to bang knees painfully…but in a KING size bed, anything is possible!  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cuddle, but when it’s time to sleep, I want to believe I’m in that bed alone*…which is only possible in a king sized bed. 

*Unless of course I have a nightmare, and then I don’t want to be alone anymore…I know, I know, you can’t have it both ways…except you CAN when you have a KING sized bed.  Can anyone guess what I want for Christmas?  :)

Why oh why is it so hard to get home? Nine times out of ten I get to my “vacation” destination just fine, it’s always getting home that proves to be a bitch.

Yes, this would be Flawless (see previous “review”). 

Man, what the hell was Demi Moore thinking with that accent?  Just terrible.  The thing I really can’t figure about this movie is how anyone –  producers, writers, directors, even actors, thought this was actually going to be an intriguing mystery.  It’s a period piece heist movie…and let’s just face it, a heist movie these days is only as good as its obstacles…of which there weren’t that many in 1960’s London.  I mean if it had been brilliantly done it could have been really interesting as a historical look at how early heist pioneers paved the way for modern day heisters (word? I think not), but since it is poorly done, it’s more like watching paint dry than watching a heist movie. 

I should also go on record here as saying that I’m not a super fan of the escalating measures we have to take our heist movies to (i.e. I thought Ocean’s Eleven was a decent film, almost despite the ridiculous hoops our criminals/heroes have to jump through; but I find most heist movies today annoying with absolutely ridiculous hoops that have a suspension of belief not unlike seeing Clark Kent in glasses and not knowing that he’s Superman…which I’ve always found annoying).  So I support what this film was TRYING to do, but it just failed miserably.  Too bad.

I know it looks like I won in that last panel, but I didn’t.  I came real close though and was ahead for about the first half of the game, my brother Scott always close on my heels.  But I screwed up two not complicated holes, and added about five unnecessary strokes to my game…I lost (to Scott) by three strokes and tied with my dad.  The rest of the group (Adam, Dave, Mom, and Shelti) were close on our heels with I think one stroke separating each of them…it was a close game, and some good air conditioned fun.

Oh, and you’re seeing a crocodile and a giraffe on the front of the building with the mini-golf is pretty correct…for some reason the “glow in the dark” mini-golf was also “safari themed”…my best guess is that someone had some glow in the dark safari crap lying around and thought “Hey! Let’s just use this!”.  Bizarre.

Let’s ask the real question of the day…for all the Hawaii travelers that have to check out of their hotels at 10am/11am/12pm on a Saturday…why oh why do all the Maui flights leave in the evening?  I sense a tourism conspiracy.  A way to get us to spend cash at malls and movies and lunches, and yes, Glow In The Dark Mini Golf…

Everyone have a great weekend.  I’ll meet you back here on Monday :)

Yep, you’re pretty much looking at what I did for six days.

I somehow managed to watch several movies, between the LONG plane trips and a day stuck in due to either a sun or chlorine allergy and I’ve done a “witty” one/two sentence summary of each below for your edification (I love the word edification…isn’t it great?)…anyway here they are:

Step Brothers: Funnier than Semi-Pro, less funny than some of the other Will Ferrel vehicles, it’s a bit lacking in plot, like all of ‘those movies’, but with some choice lines you’ll find yourself repeating probably for the rest of your life. A solid 3 Stars.

The Namesake: A beautiful and poignant film, with an ending that slightly let me down, and previews that kind of led me astray, and ultimately made me want to read the book, which I bet is at least ten times better. A good 3.5 stars.

Married Life: A lovely looking period piece about relationships, friendships, and marriage, with excellent performances by everyone except the bootleg Parker Posey (Rachael McAdams for the uninitiated), with the especially brilliant Patricia Clarkson driving the heart of the film, as always. 3.5 Stars.

Sidenote: McAdams wasn’t TERRIBLE, I’m just a little biased and she’s not good here, just acceptable.

Flawless: A hideous film that I never would have finished had I not been belted in at thirty thousand feet and coked up on too much caffeine to fall alseep easily, Demi Moore’s accent is atrocious, and while Michael Cane is pretty solid, as always, the plot and writing are dry and horrible, and the ending is atrocious. I don’t know why anyone would have thought this film could/should be made. 1 Star.

Blue State: An equally hideous little film, that I was tricked into watching by the beguiling Anna Paquin. Breckin Meyer is the lead, who I feel lukewarm about in general, but hated with a firey passion here where he is devoid of chemistry with Paquin (how can you be devoid of chemistry with Anna Paquin?! Even I would have chemistry with Paquin for christ’s sake!) and he is not aided at all by the horrible plot, script, and direction. Yay. 1 Star.

While not technically viewed on my trip, I watched my Netflix rental of Green Street Hooligans upon my return to New York. It was pretty good, and by that I mean that it was sometimes awful and sometimes pretty great in alternating turns. I did expect more from it and found it hard to become to emotionally attached to what was going on considering that the main characters were basically in gangs (called ‘firms’) based on local football (US=Soccer) alliances. Silly. I know it’s true and accurate that many people feel so passionate about sports, and particularly in Europe it has become a problem with violence and alcohol, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about the film The Wind That Shakes The Barley that I watched late last year, and which was so painfully about REAL war, war that can’t be avoided…I don’t know, it just seemed ridiculous to care to much that these kids (and adults) were so stupid to be killing over something so silly as sports loyalties. That said, how is Charlie Hunnam not a HUGE star by now? Gorgeous and very talented. Even standing next to the pretty much always solid Elijah Wood he was a powerhouse in the acting category. I was totally in love, with him, if nothing else. And based largely on that love, I’m giving it 3 Stars.

I also read two excellent books that I’ll be posting hopefully later this week…in case you’re looking for an excellent book :)

I’m baaaaaack.


I’m sure my “dare” above will encourage some little comebacks in the comments…assuming I’ve got any readers left…hello? Is this thing on? Anyone?

So I tried guys, I really did, but it’s 11:32pm on Friday night, and I’m still not fully packed, Adam hasn’t come home from work yet, our cab is coming for us at 5:00am, and I still haven’t drawn one full comic as promised for remote posting during my vacation week. So I’ve failed you (I’m sure you’re all handling the disappointment pretty well). So I’ll have to have ANOTHER little hiatus over here on Rabid Lamb, I’ll probably post while I’m away since I’ll have access to a computer, but as there will be no scanner there will also be no comics. Sorry – I blame it on the 70 plus hours I worked this week in five days…

Here’s a little parting gift though, the view from my beach house lounge chair…which I will only leave to get snacks and drinks, dips in the pool, and strolls down to the private beach cove below the house. Are you jealous yet? My biggest problem now is that I’m having trouble deciding which books to pack…and how many 😉


It’s true.  Two crazy and semi-awesome things happened to Adam and I when we were out and about in the city a couple months ago, and I want to do a comic about it, but it’s just not condusive to a little four page cartoony strip (well, not with my mediocre skills).  I am considering doing and epic-ish “comic page” about it, but still, my skills are so weak, it will be hella difficult to draw.  (Yeah, I’m bringing “hella” back – you gonna start trouble?!).  Anyway, I’ll think about it…

Heads Up:  I’m going out of town this afternoon for work and probably won’t have access to a computer tomorrow while I’m away, but dedicated that I am, I still have a comic for Friday, but it’s just going to post later this afternoon…


This one is a bit misleading”fact-wise”, though I like it. 

In the end we decided not to go anywhere in an effort to save money, and so that we could perhaps go on a “big trip” to Europe (or somewhere out of country) in 2009…2010…well, someday, and not just because we couldn’t agree on a location.  It’s ironic that Adam and I actually both love to travel and have very similar interests, they just never seem to kind of perfectly line up…when I feel like Greece he’s feeling Ireland…when I feel like Philly he’s feeling like Vermont…it’s frustrating. 

We had actually agreed to go to Boston for our Anniversary this year and were both quite excited about it (me maybe just for the seafood – clam chowder and lobster rolls – whee!) but we pulled out at the last minute, deciding that the grand we would probably spend on a two or three day trip was better left in our savings accounts considering the year we have ahead (and the never-ending writer’s strike).  It was a good choice.  I don’t think either of us regret it…especially since I ended up getting sick for part of the time we would have been gone.

What about you guys…any dream destinations?  Best places you have already visited?

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