So I’m going to be running a contest giveaway all this week for THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING.
I’ll be giving away FIVE deluxe GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING packages on Friday October 12th.*
These packages will contain everything you see below**:

A signed limited edition hardcover of the book – which includes at least 9 full color Stephanie Hans illustrations, 2 Ross Campbell “heads” circle magnets (1 Lola and 1 Bonnie), 2 Meredith McClaren “itties” magnets (1 Lola and 1 Bonnie) all of the over-sized postcards (6 total), all of the bookmarks (6 total), and eight stickers. This package is worth nearly $70.00.
So here’s how it’s going to work, everyday this week, Monday through Friday I’m going to do a little post about The Girl Who Would Be King called “The Girl Who Would Be King Contest Day 1 – etc.” and if you leave your name in the comments, you can be entered to win one of the packages at the end of the week.
However, “Hunger Games” style, you can enter your name more than once, by doing cool THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING stuff and answering questions. Everyday you can earn points for the following:
1 point – your name, age, and email
2 points – a link to some way in which you’ve promoted the book (including a link to buy it on Amazon or Lulu) – this can be a tweet, a blog post, an article, a tumblr post or similar.
2 points – for referring someone else to the contest and getting them to enter
5 points – if you correctly answer a question from Part 1 of the novel – you can buy it now from Amazon (for Kindle) and Lulu (for Nook and iPad)!
So in theory, you can accrue anywhere between 1 point and 10 points a day, every day, Monday through Friday. Obviously more points, the more times your name will be in the drawing and the better your chances of your name being drawn for one of the 5 packages at the end of the week (you can only win once). Also, since you will be answering questions that we don’t want everyone to know, you need to begin every entry with the letters ABCDX, that way the system will know to only show ME your entry.
Your entries should look something like this:
Kelly Thompson, 20 (I wish!), 1979semifinalist[at]gmail[dot]com (obviously without the brackets)
Referred: Bonnie Braverman (and remember Bonnie has to comment and confirm who referred her) in order for you to receive points for this one.
Book Answer: Sandwiches!
So if that was your entry form (and your answer was correct) you would earn a total of 8 points for Day 1.
Sound off in the comments if you have any questions. The first contest post goes up at noon (est)!
Everyone over the age of 15 is eligible to enter, including those of you that participated in the Kickstarter already, but you can only win once. International entries are allowed and you can enter once per day for each day of the contest – you can enter up until the new contest is posted (Monday through Friday at 12pm Eastern Standard Time).
*Please note that packages will not ship until sometime in November when the hardcover books have been received from the printer.
**The Hardcover pictured is just a mock-up and NOT the final book.