comic of the day

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I can’t really even believe this news.  It’s just disgusting.  I’m sure The Count will be out soon for being a VAMPIRE.  And Big Bird will be out soon for being too tall and too yellow, and Grover will be out for kind of being an idiot (though one of my favorites), Bert and Ernie will surely be elimintated for being obviously gay, and if not obviously gay then possibly gay…which is of course just as horrible.  I think we should all try (except comedians perhaps…we need something to be okay to be funny right?) to be as understanding and sympathetic and non-judgmental as possible in life…but Politically Correct has become a machine that just cannot be stopped.  If there is ONE SINGLE FREAKING CHILD that has an eating disorder or I guess…”greediness” that can be traced to The Cookie Monster, and only the Cookie Monster, then I take all this back.  But there is just NO WAY that is possible…it’s a freaking Muppet!  Kids get their influences from all over the place and it’s more likely they are learning bad habits (oh my god the end of the world) from home and parents than from a muppet that doesn’t even exist. 

Read more about all this nonesense here.  And Gillian Anderson…I like you, but how dare you contribute to the removal of the Cookie Monster (in any way) by accepting the job hosting the new “improved” revamped Monsterpiece Theater sans the star.


This is no joke people.  This is deadly serious stuff.  “Cathouse: The Musical”, and when I say ‘Cathouse The Musical’ I don’t mean that talented broadway stars will be doing an adaptation of a ridiculous show about prostitutes, I mean that talentless prostitutes have decided that they will do their own musical about…themselves. 

Suffice to say I will have to watch this show and report back.  It is my duty.  I don’t expect I’ll make it through the whole show though, as the previews I saw were truly horrifying.  I looked for a clip on YouTube, but I don’t see one yet.  I’ll keep an eye out and if one appears I’ll update you immediately…it’s just that good.

Let me also say that those this post and cartoon seem kind of negative, I have nothing against prostitutes (whores!) in fact I think places where prostitution is legal (such as Amsterdam) are much safer for the women particularly in that their lives are more regulated and healthier overall.  If the issue was up when I went to vote, with the information I currently have, I would probably vote to legalize it.  What I do have a problem with is prositutes that think they are really super talented, at something other than what they do for a living :)  Joke people…these are the jokes. 


Ouch.  This one is a little mean or sad or something.  But still kinda funny right?  Adam helped me with the gag for the last panel, so while I’m happy to take credit if you think it’s brilliant, how about we blame him if you’re not a fan?  Great! 

The Savages was AWESOME by the way.  Not exactly fun, festive, uplifting holiday fare if that’s what you’re looking for, but that’s not really my type of movie, but The Savages was right up my alley.  It had incredible performances and was just a really great and realisitc story about the kind of people that you probably know and the kind of things that really happen to them…and you.  I love movies that tap into that, and I love actors that are so talented that I’m able to forget I’m watching actors.  Laura Linney deserves an Oscar for this one.  Philip Seymour Hoffman does as well, but if only one of them can get it I’d say Linney is the more deserving of the two.


Seriously, maybe it’s just the neighborhood (although it’s pretty much the same 10 block radius I do everything in) but without fail I get attempted pick ups after therapy, no matter how lousy (or good) I might be feeling that day.  What’s up with that?  This is one of my favorite cartoons thus far, mostly because it was fun drawing the girl in panel 3, I forget how much I like drawing women when they aren’t me.


This really was a horrible thing to happen…and I’m sorry it’s such a cryptic and annoying cartoon, I didn’t actually want to write/draw about it, but it was so present on my mind I really just couldn’t escape it.  I’m shocked to find supposedly intelligent adults in the world who are so closed minded and hateful…and just horrible little people.  I don’t know why I’m surprised, I should know better by now, but I suppose I am eternally naively hopeful that people will get a freaking clue and be better.  I was an angry and sad emotional mess all weekend as a result of this event (lucky Adam!).  What a waste. 

Oh, and apologies for the especially piss poor art in today’s strip, my hand is still cramped from a weekend of addressing and writing work and personal holiday cards and my back is still sore making it difficult to sit and draw for too long at any one time. Now that some things have been cleared from my plate I’m hoping to do a better job…we’ll see. 


This is no exaggeration.  We are (and by we I mean I) are doing about 200 handmade holiday cards for our office…and by handmade I mean the paper is handcut into 11×17 sheets from a larger watercolor sheet (35×50 I think) and then a beautiful drawing done by one of our (my) designers was scanned (supposedly color corrected) and will be printed onto these sheets, which will then be hand cut in half horizontally, then hand folded, then hand sealed with real wax (from an actual melting pot – I kid you not), then hand stuffed into envelopes, which I will have (by then) hand addressed and hand stamped with our name/address on the back flap with a rubber stamp and a custom designed postage stamp on the front (which has been the only easy and flawless part of the project thus far).  Oh yeah, and I’m writing a short message inside to everyone.  I am going INSANE.   

Also, they’re supposed to go out by Tuesday…Wednesday at the latest.  AH!  I did handmade holiday cards last year for our office, but it was closer to 170, and the design and execution, though work intensive was much easier.  They went over well, and we are a DESIGN firm, so we thought we should make the effort again this year (it’s good PR I hope).  The card is much more impressive as an overall package this year and I’m more excited about the results however I’m currently feeling (especially with our color correction issues) that I have bitten off way more than is ever possible to chew.  Ick. 

Oh, and I also get to do my own personal cards this weekend…yea!  And by “yea!”, I mean “by the love of god NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


I am the queen of internet shopping.  Hopefully it is the thought…and not the EFFORT that necessarily counts.  I do try to think outside the box and get fun, relevant, and sometimes unexpected things for friends and family…I also always overspend, perhaps in an effort to offset the fact that I’m unwilling to fight the crowds? 


This one is true too…he was actually already in his jeans by the time I caught him, but the idea of drawing someone putting on jeans made me want to hurl…thus you get a pair of socks in his hand.  I sometimes want to be Adam because when he sleeps it is just like the world is dead to him…yeah, it’s like the blissful sleep of the dead…however, I don’t want people chuckling at me at 3:00am (even if it is in love) so perhaps I’m better off as the light sleeper and he’s better off as the heavy sleeper…since he doesn’t seem to care about anything except getting back in the bed.  I should start an ongoing series called “Nocturnal Adam” or something…


I love how, despite the fact that I basically traced my face three times from the same image, it looks totally different in each frame.  And by love, I mean HATE.

I’ll try to keep the comics this week at a reasonably decent level, but…no promises.


My first attempt at drawing anyone other than myself or Adam for this comic…not so successful.  But there are big boobs, and even naked ones, so hopefully nobody is complaining.  I shouldn’t be complaining about Adam’s list either…first of all Anna Paquin is a totally respectable person to have on your “List”, Winona Ryder and Jennifer Love Hewitt…less respectable, but still better than Lindsey Lohan, who was also on his list years ago (pre-weight loss and craziness).  I guess the end result is that the other half of a couple will never find their partner’s “list” palatable…for many reasons.  I know he doesn’t think very highly of mine (despite the fact that it rocks). 

If you want to read another somewhat involved, but I think well worth the time, post about the idea of “The List”, check out one of my first blog postings ever, here.

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