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Why yes, I think so!

Walking The Comic Runway (

It may be new, but in a handful of posts, this new blog had me laughing and nodding my head vigorously in agreement…not to mention full of anticipation of what will surely be coming with all the costume craziness I see (and lament).

Get on board now and be one of those “first fans”…it’s almost like discovering a new band…*

And may I offer up this, this, this, and this as potential fodder for posts on those slow days!

*big thanks to Ross for bringing Comic Runway to my attention!


So my love of Cassandra Cain is well documented…check here and here if you need reminding or convincing.

And I’d like nothing more than to see her back in comics doing her thing on the regular again.  I’d personally like an ongoing, though I’d settle for a really great mini-series that rooted her back into our universe (and the minds of her ENTIRE FAMILY) and then some ongoing supporting roles in other books (Batman, Batman Inc., Red Robin, Birds of Prey, Batgirl…all of these are books with room – or room that could be made – for Cass Cain). Ideally I’d like Cass to be a Bat for the new enterprise that is Batman Inc., or alternatively for her to take up the Nightwing mantle or to come up with her own alternative persona as her brothers Dick, Tim, and Jason have and have her own book…but again, I’d settle for any path that began the effort to bring her back.

Regardless, if you want her back…go here now and sign the petition.  Let’s get a crazy insane number of signatures!

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A new episode of 3 Chicks Review Comics is up on CSBG and pod-o-matic!

Check it out now!

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I don’t usually go for gross stuff (I’m a bit easily grossed out) but it was slim pickings in my comics this week and so this very cool, but very gross panel from iZombie #9 by Mike Allred takes the win.  Ick…but cool.

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A new She Has No Head! – a look at Jim McCann and Janet Lee’s The Return Of The Dapper Men – is up on CSBG.

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So let me just say, if more superhero art (and design) looked like the following Oliver Coipel cover for Wolverine & Jubilee #1…I would be reading more comics (and bitching A WHOLE LOT LESS).  I first thought this was a Stuart Immonen cover…and it has some great Immonen like qualities (highest of compliments coming from me)…but it’s Coipel and I have to give the man props because there is SO much right in this simple image.

First and foremost Wolverine is short.  Smaller than Jubilee style short. He’s also a bit stocky.  These are great things.

Now, onto Jubilee.  First of all, she looks at least a bit Asian…which is so rare, and a huge step in the right direction at a minimum.  Secondly, she’s very slight and slim and not crazy curvy and stacked like every other woman in comics – she’s got small proportions that befits the history of the character.  It’s so fucking refreshing I had to stare at it for full minutes to understand the wonderfullness (not a word!) that was occurring.  Lastly, the fashion forward-ness of Jubilee’s costume…it’s completely streamlined and refined and super cool (and hot) while still being both appropriate for superheroing and totally retaining her identity within the update. The yellow jacket and large pink-ish sunglasses are just unmistakably Jubilee…but paired with a slick black catsuit…I just…I am swooning over this.

AND a zippered costume that is zipped up?  PLEASE. MORE COMICS LIKE THIS.  ALWAYS. FOREVER.  BRING IT.

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No contest this week (assuming this actually came out, I wasn’t able to get it).  Skottie Young’s Ozma of Oz#3, which will definitely be on my short list for covers of the year.  Of the books I actually bought I have to say it was a plethora of mediocrity.  Until I realized Ozma of Oz came out this week and just wasn’t in my pile I was at a loss for how I would pick one winner out of this pile of not so good – ironically so far I’m enjoying the insides quite a bit…just not the covers…


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And with that we’re caught up!

I love this Jock cover for Detective #872.  Love everything about it.  Slam dunk.

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We’re back!  After a two week hiatus, we’re back with an extra special episode that includes our best of 2010 picks, a special guest host, AND a rap version of the 3 Chicks theme song.  Can you take how special this is?!

Click the link to see the write up on Comics Should Be Good and to listen, download, or subscribe to the latest episode!

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There was so much wall to wall awesome in Kaare Andrews work in Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #4 that I just had to share a FEW bits.



And then something that is just damn good comics, even though Wolverine isn’t involved.  For those that don’t already know, the character pictured (Armor) has an armor-like exoskeleton that she fights in and which protects her from just about everything…apparently except the thing she’s fighting now…and it is freaking TERRIFYING to watch.  Really good comics that make you go “OH MY GOD” while you read.  *slow clap* Nice work Ellis and Andrews, nice work.

Awesome, yes?

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