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As Paul pointed out in the comments section yesterday, at least you can all say you’ve learned how to hail and negotiate with a livery cab driver in New York (though I caved perhaps too easily, after a long day twenty bucks seemed reasonable to escape Madison Avenue for the comforts of home). 

We’ve got a few more days of sequential work coming…I expect to finish up this particular storyline on Monday or Tuesday.  What do you think?  Do you like the continuing storyline…or not so much?

Good times! 

For the non-New Yorker’s out there – in panel three “balloon Kelly” is trying to hail a cab and is approached by a ‘livery cab’.  These are legitimate cabs (well mostly) but they don’t have a meter, so you need to negotiate a price before you get in.  Also, to give you some perspective, the metered cab ride that I took from my neighborhood to this event (in heavier traffic headed downtown than I would get headed uptown) cost about twelve bucks, and I gave him fifteen bucks, so even with a good tip, that trip shouldn’t be more than fifteen dollars.  Livery cabs generally cost a little more, but not double.

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  Mine blew.  What a shock.  Onto the next, right?


Ah, good times. Good times.

Oy. I hope everyone has an awesome three day weekend planned. I plan to write write write. And maybe dinner with friends on Saturday and writing group on Sunday. I cannot wait for three whole days of freedom.

Never felt more claustrophobic in my life. 

Yeah, honestly…HOW DO THESE PEOPLE FIND ME?!  Why does typing in “How To Be A Good Receptionist” (or Prostitute) lead ANYONE to my blog?!  Sigh.  Sometimes I just don’t understand the interwebs.  But it does make for good comics…

My super secret (and awesome) deadline is today.  And I made it.  Barely.  And I’m exhausted.  But I made it, so let us focus on that. 

Sidenote:  I admit I’ve used the word whore on this blog a few times (okay, okay, with alarming frequency), but I don’t know that I’ve ever used the word ‘Prostitute’…it sounds almost old-fashioned, like if we lived in simpler more innocent times 😉


Yes Anna Paquin, I know, I know.  I’m just making the world a more horrible place, and sending more and more people that are just looking for gratuitous celebrity nudity to my blog (where they will ultimately be disappointed)…but what can a girl do?  I’m desperate for a good strip these days…no pun intended.

My weekend was pretty much a bust.  I got two important errands done on Saturday, and I managed to write about 2,500 words on Sunday (yes, took me ALL day to get my ass in the chair at 5pm and write 2,500 words) but I got nothing else done.  I didn’t accomplish even a third of my to do list…which leaves me with a deadline to meet by Wednesday…that is going to be nigh impossible.  But wish my lazy ass luck anyway.  How about you guys?  Good weekend?  Bad?  C’mon, make me feel better…


Deal?  I hope so because I already spent a bunch of time culling the gems from my search terms section, and there are some gems…


That’s right…our first ever REDUX comic.  I was so disatisfied with yesterday’s strip I decided to have another go at it.  It’s still not as successful as it is in my head (where I am a BRILLIANT artist) but it’s much better than the first pass.  I still didn’t spend a lot of time (I don’t HAVE a lot of time) but I gave myself a more realistic amount of time…and the results are better.   I hope you all agree.  :)

As you all know, I’ve talked about my struggle in drawing myself on this blog for the Rabid Lamb strips frequently.  I’ve pretty much hit a wall in that regard, and so for awhile I’m going to be drawing myself like this:

*Objects in comic may be larger (or smaller) than they appear in real life

*Objects have been cartooned up in a happy fun way to make this more enjoyable for the artist

*Artist will be annoyed when confronted with “you don’t look like how you draw yourself in your strip” after having posted this “strip”.  Artist will not engage in a silly debate but will simply point the complainer to this “strip”…Rabid Lamb #132. 

For further documentation, here is a cartoon rendering of a more accurate version of the current me:

And here is a cartoon rendering of how I FEEL these days: 


Finally, in closing, please note that the artist reserves the right to change her mind at anytime and to begin drawing in whatever style she feels like on any given day…

Okay, with all the technical jargon out of our way.  Anyone have good plans for the weekend?  I had dreams of catching up on my writing and drawing, but I got a terrible sore throat last night and am now suffering severe head congestion as well as the sore throat, so basically, I’m just hoping to make it through the day at this point… 

Borrowing (i.e. stealing) from my idol James Jean has gone on long enough.  I’ve uploaded a new temporary header (which I hate).  Bear with me in that I will probably hate anything that is not my old James Jean header.  Now that this temporary one is up and I’m not happy with it, I hope it will motivate me to get a new more permanent version up and running.  Stay tuned…


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