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Why oh why is it so hard to get home? Nine times out of ten I get to my “vacation” destination just fine, it’s always getting home that proves to be a bitch.

That’s right.  Totally Fucked Up.  Why do psychics hate me?  We may never know…though if I could stomach the results (more predictions of curses and lifelong bad karma to work off) I would probably embark on a study of psychics to find out if they all hate me, or if there is some kind of pattern or grand conspiracy here…I could even make a fancy excel spreadsheet to chart my results.  Good times!

Also, though my drawing has been crappy lately, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the awesomeness of my head (which looks nothing like me) in panel four.  It’s like one of my favorite things I’ve drawn for this strip (which isn’t saying much).  Go me!

Seriously.  WTF?

That’s right, tune in tomorrow for the woman’s (now seemingly) sage words…

The Inevitable Return of the Great White Dope…that’s me.  Well okay, that’s actually just a line from a Bloodhound Gang song that I had in my head, but whatever.

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus people, and thanks for checking back in.  I was planning to take an actual “planned hiatus” in two weeks for my vacation, but in honor of you people hanging in there I’m going to see what I can do to still post while I’m away.  If there’s going to be a computer there then basically I’ll make sure to get the strips done and ready for you, if there’s no computer, then there’s not much I can do.

I’d bore you all with what has been going on, but I plan to do that in the strip, so you’ll just have to hang in there so I don’t blow my whole wad here in the “chatter”.  Thanks again for hanging in…!

I think we’ve officially established that Adam’s stomach issues are stress related, which is a shame, but at least, as work becomes less stressful for him we can hope it will go away, rather than a more serious medical issue (though long term stress can be a very serious health problem).  I expect Adam’s is temporary though, so we’re optimisitc. 

I hope you all have great weekend plans.  Saturday here looks to be hot and humid, so I’ll be mostly staying in, though I need to drop off some goodwill donations (i.e. late spring cleaning that has never been dealt with).  Sunday I have my writing group and hopefully Iron Man since it looks to be a bit cooler and manageable. 

Anyone out there have anything fab planned?

So I’ve got something up that I’m more happy with than the temporary one from the last couple months, but I’m still pretty dissatisfied, and it is really far from the original vision, so there are probably still more revisions to come until I land on something I’m content to keep up for awhile, but apparently this is going to happen in baby steps. And I blame James Jean for being such an amazing artist and setting the bar in my first (and stolen) header at a level I could never dream of reaching…thanks James. Thanks a lot.

Below is the full image that I took the new header from. The original vision was to include the entire drawing, but it was just not working. Stay tuned for future header drama…

And so ends the sequential strip. A bit anti-climatic, like everything with me, I had slightly different intentions throughout the strip, but this is where we ended up based on time (and skill).

Since the sequential strip worked out well though and nobody hated it, I may bring it back. I have an idea for another strip that will take two days I think, so maybe we’ll try the “short sequential strip” next. Thanks for hanging in there.

I still need I.D. and a business card to get to work because my street is blocked off and filled with like 40 cops. This is of course just a minor hassle, but the whole 40 cops thing is frustrating, every time I see them they are literally standing around doing nothing. So I end up feeling A) those are my tax dollars at work? and B) I don’t like having 40 cops just standing around doing nothing as it looks scary and intimidating. While all they seem to want to do is chat at each other and glare at passersby, they all have guns and clubs and shit…it’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling.

Also, much like my feeling about airport security, I don’t really believe the street is any safer just because I get carded before coming in. Delivery drivers and even the occasional food delivery guy has been able to make it into our office (and I’m sure others) so that tells me that they are letting plenty of people through with less hassle than they are giving me. People who want to do something wrong, or just want access and are motivated…are not timid, so really, the cops and barricade are only keeping out the most timid of people who would probably never try to get access for the wrong reasons anyway. Security is a sham. I wonder if the cops even buy it.

Hate to get all serious and introspective, but this ongoing story definitely had a serious side to it. 

So, uh, anyone got any good jokes?

I really wish I’d been able to take more time with today’s strip.  I would have loved to show her (me?) reducing in size etc., with more drama and over a longer period of time…it would have been much more interesting/funny/powerful, alas, no time… :(


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