Still struggling to recover from my first day, but at least I got some good words down!
Today’s Word Count: 1056
Total Word Count: 28,385
Inspiration image of the day for Pariahs:
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So THIS happened today:
omigod. nearly 700 copies of THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING all in my tiny ass nyc apartment. AHHHHH. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!
Yeah, so I BEEN BUSY
But still, I eeked out a reasonable amount of work today, considering.
Today’s Word Count: 1,638
Total Word Count: 27,329
Inspirational image for the day:
A little Ripley for that ass. Raise your hand if you’re not remotely surprised to find out that PARIAHS is about a bunch of complicated kickass ladies. Yup, lotta hands!
Alright, kids, here we go!
Huge failure today (read about how this will work here).
But let’s only let it motivate me to higher counts for day 2!
Today’s Word Count: 0
Total/Starting Word Count: 25,691
Inspirational Image For The Day: Valkyrie, bitches!
Last year I had a wildly successful run at NaNoWriMo.
This year we’re off to a rocky start as I haven’t even done my introductory post and it’s already Day Two! Argh
But I have a really good excuse (don’t we all)…my books came in yesterday!
Anyway, so yeah, I was busy! And will still be busy…judging by these boxes…forever! But I enjoyed NaNo so much last year and it helped me drive forward to completion on a new book that I really love, so I just gotta do it again.
As always, I’m not really following the rules though. I’m going to do it my own way. I’m starting with a project called PARIAHS that I’m working on that already has 25,000 words (most of them usable). It needs another 50k or so to get to “The End.” It’s also the project that I tried (and failed) to do for NaNo in 2010…hopefully we’ll have better luck this time.
So that’s the project. Like last year, I’ll be using the blog to track my progress and keep me honest. I’ll use the same format as last year, which included a random inspirational reference image, the word count for the day and the total word count.
Thanks for indulging me!
Next up, PARIAHS, day one.