Awesome Meredith McClaren Lola and Bonnie “itty” magnets that all the $50 and up people will be receiving. LOVE THEM!
Hey, kids!
Just a little update about THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING reviews and news and such.
First up, it looks like, thanks to my badass printers, the print editions may get to me by the end of the month! This is much faster than expected and I hope it works out so I can get this out to all of you as quickly as possible! Fingers crossed!
Secondly, I finally got THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING up on iBook. Barnes & Noble is up next and is already in process…hopefully it will go live this week. One word of caution – on iBooks it’s linking TGWWBK to another book by a different Kelly Thompson – this is NOT my book.
The reviews continue to come in and they are AWESOME. Here are two from independent blogs (and if you write a review on your blog make sure to send it in so that I can link to you!):
First up is Lewis Smith’s review from WITLESS PRATTLE who has said some of my favorite things ever about the book. It’s a great read!
Also up is this sweet review from Jessica Anderson.
And here are some badass excerpts from things people have said at Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Goodreads – I honestly could not ask for more wonderful feedback – THANK YOU EVERYONE – and, because I’m greedy – KEEP THEM COMING! 
“The writing is electric, relying on colorful imagery and breakneck pacing that brings to mind comic panels fed into a HD film projector … The whole thing comes off like if Neil Gaiman and Brian Michael Bendis had locked themselves in a cellar to determine what made superheroes great and what made a great superheroine and launched their results from a trebuchet at the internet.” – January Hooper, 5 Star Review, Amazon
“What a great book. Curveball of an ending, but a must read if you are at all interested in superhero stories. the narrative voice fits the characters so well, it is brilliantly self aware of its genre, and it just sweeps you right up into these two extraordinary girls’ lives. TGWWBK is a force to be reckoned with, and I cant wait to see more of Kelly Thompson’s work.” – Rachael Stephen, 5 Star Review, Amazon (UK)
“A Masterpiece of Classic Fiction and Comic-book Hero/Villain duality.” – Grant Hayward, 5 Star Review, Amazon
“Smart and grown up!” – Lauren Las, 5 Star Review, Amazon
“Once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down.” – Megan S., 5 Star Review, Amazon
If you like strong female leads and non-stop action, this is definitely for you.” – L. Cappelli, 5 Star Review, Amazon
“[TGWWBK] was everything I needed in a good book. It has it all. Adventure, mystery, and great characters. I fell in love with both Bonnie and Lola. Their Stories are both compelling and heart wrenching … a week later I still can’t stop thinking about this book.” – Lisa Higgins, 4 Star Review, Amazon
“[TGWWBK] is a totally original concept, and without giving anything specific away about the ending, this could EASILY be the first book in a series (although I would settle for a sequel). However, traditional publishers thought that we needed another vampire romance or dystopian trilogy more than we needed this book. I strongly disagree, and I suspect you will too. I highly recommend this book for mature teens, fans of strong female characters, comic book enthusiasts, and anyone who enjoys solid YA lit that doesn’t follow all the rules.” – Jessica, 5 Star Review, Goodreads