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Went to bed at 8:30pm with a fever, so feeling lucky anything got typed today.
This is an illustration I did ages ago for Illustration Friday, the word was "primative" seemed fitting somehow for today's post. :)
I cannot believe it has been three years!
Thanks to all of you who have made this venture so successful, both those of you who have been there from the very humble beginnings to those of you who helped to make this blog such a great success over the last year. I didn’t have time to do a fun thank you cartoon like last year, but I’ve been pretty busy so I hope you’ll understand.
We fell just shy of my goal of 500,000 hits, but we got more than 300,000 hits this past year alone…so if you do the math on that you can see that we are building things in a huge way. Around this time last year the blog was lucky to get 500 hits in a day, and generally averaged around the 300 mark. Now we average around 1,000 hits a day and 1,500 is a pretty good day. So yeah, more than tripling readership in a year is no small thing and I owe that to all of you.
I’ve got a couple really fun posts coming up. This week, in honor of the anniversary and to head into year four with a bang I’ll be posting a “15 Covers I Wish I’d Included” post which is a follow up to the wildly popular “100 Favorite Comic Covers” of last year. Next week, in honor of the San Diego Comic Con I’ll be doing my “52 Favorite Covers Of The Last Year” and for those of you sick of comics, in August I’ll launch a series of posts that pit my two favorite cities, LA and NYC, against each other.
So THANK YOU for reading and commenting and stay tuned…there’s much fun to come!
That’s right, it’s finally here dear readers, the totally not long awaited debut of my website 1979 Semi-Finalist.
Please check it out and let me know what you think. You may have noticed that I removed some pages on the blog but if you go to the website I’ve replaced the material there. In addition to a detailed bibliography and excerpts from several stories (as well as I Hate The French still available in its entirety) there’s also a bio, contact information, a news & development section, and artwork.
If you ever liked my Rabid Lamb comic strip, or wanted to like it but missed it or found it hard to navigate, there’s a nice easy to use slideshow full of “The Best Of Rabid Lamb”.
Tags: website
Thanks to Jeremy Whitley at The Weekly Crisis for putting me on his list of 6 Things Not To Hate This Year. I feel in good company with the other women on that list.
Check out Jeremy’s post, and if you’ve been dragging your feet on catching up with that I’m doing over on Comics Should Be Good, now is the time to pick up and dive in.
So we just cruised past 300,000 hits here on 1979 Semi-Finalist, and it’s kind of a big deal. Not that 300,000 is some magical number or anything, but a mere 6 months (ish) ago, in July 2009, we celebrated the two year anniversary of this blog – and the fact that we were closing in on 150,000 hits…that’s right, in a little over six months the traffic to this blog was more than what it was in the first TWO YEARS. And that is some mother fucking progress!
So I wanted to offer up a huge thanks to all of you that have made that happen – and to encourage you to stick with me here – as we’re only going up it seems!
Someone uncork the champagne, you all know I’ll use any excuse to drink some champagne (more accurately, an entire bottle)!
The girls have offered up their congratulations below…and maybe it’s just me, but their enthusiasm seems a little…uh, well…begrudging…if not full on sarcastic. I mean…look at that sign! Pitiful.
Then again, maybe they’re just punishing me for using them to continue testing out my Wacom Tablet…clearly, it’s going to take me some time to get better at using it…I may have to find some other less grouchy guinea pigs…
New column up for She Has No Head! on CBR’s Comics Should Be Good. Check it out.
My She Has No Head! column from Monday got picked up by my beloved Jezebel. Thanks Jezebel!
The latest She Has No Head! Column is up at CSBG. It’s yet another decade list..but .you know you love a list…check it out!
The article is up on Best Shows You’re Not Watching. Enjoy!