Well hopefully you guys like this one better than yesterdays – which I loved, and based on the comments – only two! – you guys were not so enamored with. Perhaps the stick figures wear thin? No pun intended of course…
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Hee Hee. I love this one. I don’t know why. The drawing is crappy and the genitals still look just terrible (they look slightly better in tomorrow’s strip I promise) but I just find Adam hilarious in this one.
The nice thing about the stick figures, so far, is that they allow the strip to move somewhat past the traditional lines of “journal comic”, which I’m sure Paul will tell you can get tedious, especially if your life is going through a particularly boring patch (which in my case is pretty much all the time)…anyway, so this has been fun and I think I’ll keep up with it for the rest of the week…who knows what might happen next week…I think Josh suggested that Adam and I go on adventures and solve mysteries…who knows…
I think it speaks to Adam’s confidence that he let me go ahead with this comic
I half expected him to hand it back to me when I asked him to scan it, and simply say, “no way.” But Adam has a great sense of humor, and so here we are, laughing at stick figure Adam’s expense. Make sure to tune in Monday as I have great things planned for stick figure Adam.
I hope you all have great things planned for the weekend. With my website work (for my job) almost complete (my part is pretty much done, but there were a few kinks as always) I have taken a couple much needed days off – Friday, Monday, and Tuesday morning – all actually at the request of my awesome boss – to “take a break and recharge – you did great work – now rest” – which means I’m not using up any vacation time…yay!
Adam and I plan to see My Blueberry Nights and Married Life, I have fantasies of Urban Lobster (as always), and we’ll probably do a little shopping (very little – no money!), some apartment “improvements” and I hope to get very very caught up on my writing, which has been languishing while this web project took over my life. What about you guys?
PS – I liked just the circle goatee around Adam’s mouth in the previous strip, but Adam kind of thought it looked like I was doing some kind of bizarre black face, which sounded terrible, so I tried something new that I’m not wild about. Thoughts?
Yes, we’re back to this again.
I guess it’s good to know that if Adam decides to toss me, the blue collar workers of America will be waiting in the wings to scoop me up, but these encounters remain 10% flattering and bizarrely complimentary; 10% insulting to my inner (and outer?) feminist; and 80% creepy and uncomfortable…
Sadly, even though it is BAD I’m still pretty interested in it. Despite the fact that they didn’t handle much well in the entire first season I keep finding myself wondering how they will handle the interesting things to come in the second season. As a matter of fact, I have so much to say about this show that I’m going to do another post today about it…I would do it now, but I don’t want to delay Rabid Lamb any more than I have already…
Yeah, this has happened. A lot. Especially with this latest book, which I have to say, is just too big to be enjoyable to read. I mean I like the content, but it’s really hard to just relax and read it. On top of being over 600 pages it is about six inches wide and eleven inches tall and almost three inches deep. Too big I say!
Anyway, I’m with Paul, so far I hate this new wordpress dashboard/ navigation. I’m sure I’ll get used to it and find all the benefits (I assume they’re there, otherwise why woud they change, right?), but so far it’s just frustrating…and posting images is particularly frustrating…which makes me really really glad I have a daily comic I have to post. Whee!
There was some suggestion yesterday that I wish Adam would share Civilization, and I suppose in a way this is true. I don’t mind that he is playing a game that he loves, it’s just such an obsessive game that when he plays it I end up feeling massively left out of…well, everything. He doesn’t really like to have conversations when he’s playing (concentration), and it keeps him up to all hours, and I don’t know, there’s just very little connecting or communicating going on between us while this game goes on. I feel like when he is writing, or reading, or watching tv (other than Magic games), or a million other things he does in the apartment, there is more communication, more activity and exchange of thought between us. But not when he plays this game. And THAT is why I hate Civilization.
But it makes him happy and so I’ll just sit back, let him play, and write mean comic strips about it…
I’m actually almost glad he’s back to playing Civilization, as it makes for some of my favorite strips…here, here, here, and here even! But I’d happily give up the strip fodder if he could just hear what I’m saying again. It’s shocking how hard it is to have a conversation with him when he is playing this game. And by hard, I mean impossible.